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  1. D

    14-13-3 High Speed Pass

    Here's a little video of F-FHFM doing a high speed pass: I've passed the reins of HFM to a great guy in London, Ontario. I had great fun with the old bird, but have upgraded to a Helio Courier: It burns...
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    Generator Removal

    What is the procedure to remove the 35amp generator from my Cruisair with a 165 Franklin? It does not look like there is enough room to slide the generator back without moving the engine forward. Surly not!!!
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    Real Gasket Pushrod Tube Install

    So I'm in the process of installing the 'real gasket' silicone pushrod tube seals in my Franklin. I can pretty much get the pushrod flush with the surface, but I can't keep some of the outer seal from squishing out around the tube. Is there some trick to doing this? It's almost as if the new...
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    RH Muffler Removal

    Is it possible to remove the RH muffler without removing the intake manifold? Things look pretty tight up there.
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    Fuel tank removal

    What is the best/least destructive way to remove a fuel tank? I need to pull my RH one out to repair a leak.
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    Generator Trouble

    So....the generator was working after I put a new regulator on and flashed the field. Just the other day it would only charge intermittently, then not at all. Today I made sure all connections were tight, reflashed the field and clean the commutator. The brushes looked good. Still no...
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    Cabin Heater Performance

    Up here in Canada I'm freezing to death flying my Cruisair below freezing. There is very little air that comes from the heater vent, not hardly enough to overcome the cold air leaks from everywhere else. Is that just the way these old girls are?
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    165 Franklin Cruise RPM

    What do you guys with the 165 Franklin and Aeromatic like to run you cruise RPM at? Some of the info I've read say the the Franklins like to be run on the hard side which I'm assuming would be 2600rpm.
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    Aeromatic Adjustment

    I'm in the process of trying to set up the aeromatic behind my Franklin 165 in my 14-13-3. I've followed the book and adjusted static rpm without weights...all seems fine. I've added weights to bring static rpm down about 50rpm or so. When I took it flying the prop doesn't seem to want to...
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    Radio Wiring Question

    I'm in the process of installing a Narco MK12D (RT-328T) Nav/Com radio in my Cruisair. The wiring diagram shows pin BB '14V Input Audio Amp'. Can anyone tell me if this is simply to be wired to 14V input?
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    Marvel 10-3148-1 Carb

    I'm after either a new, exchange or rebuild kit for my carb. I can't seem to find anything and the shops I call up here don't even have the carb number in their system. Where is the best and most economical place to get one of these options?
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    Side Gapped Spark Plugs

    I just received a NOS set of Champion C10S spark plugs from Fresno Airparts. The plugs are side gapped. Is this a problem for use in the Franklin. I just ask because the REJ38 plugs that came out of it are not.
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    Short Field Takeoff and Flaps

    What is the best procedure for a short field takeoff with the Cruisair? I have 4 notches of flap, while the manual only talks about 3. Is the 3rd notch ever used for takeoff or just landing?
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    Spark Plug Source

    I'm after some new Champion REJ38 plugs for my Franklin. Does anyone know of some that don't cost my first and second born? Some BG707 would be fine too. Thanks
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    Aeromatic RPM Consistency

    I've been fine tuning the aeromatic on my 165 Cruisair. Field elevation is 4000'. I adjusted the static RPM to 2800 w/o any weights on the prop as the manual suggests. I adjusted flight RPM with weights as the manual outlines. My static RPM with weights on now varies from 2500-2600 RPM...
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    Engine Retrofit

    Can a Franklin 6A-335-B be made to fit into a 14-13-3 without too much difficulty?
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    Franklin 165 Oil Capacity

    I just dumped the old oil out of my Fanklin 165. I did not drain the oil cooler. How much oil should I expect to put back in? The mark on the dipstick which I'm assuming is full is reached after 6 quarts. I'm assuming that the oil cooler holds about a quart, but that still puts me short of...
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    Lift off Speed

    What airspeed do you pull your Cruisair off the ground? 50, 55, 60mph indicated?
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    Landing Gear Retract Chain Adjustment

    The LH landing gear retract chain is quite a bit looser than the right. How do I tighten it up?
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    Flat Spot when adding Power

    Finally got the Cruisair up tonight after a few months of hibernation. I've noticed this since I got it, but just thought I'd ask. During final approach when I'm carrying little throttle, if I add throttle, the engine goes through a bit of a flat spot between 1200 and 1500rpm. If I slowly...