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  • fholbert
    fholbert reacted to ArtieG's post in the thread Gear geometry with Like Like.
    I spoke with Rob at Bellanca and am happy to report that the have all the parts I need. I’ll report when complete.
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    ArtieG replied to the thread Gear geometry.
    I spoke with Rob at Bellanca and am happy to report that the have all the parts I need. I’ll report when complete.
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    vh2q replied to the thread Aeromatic identification.
    I finally found (at significant cost) the F200H manual all four pages of it! At least it explains how the adjustments are made. I also...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Nose bowl question.
    I successfully made the threaded rod that protrudes through the nose of the spinner as a combined low pitch stop and spinner support. A...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Aeromatic prop wanted.
    Prince finally returned my ferrule parts. I am using an older set of blades on my plane that seem to be sound. So far. But would like to...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Aeromatic Spinners.
    Well I guess not. I have now mounted an F200H on my plane with the correct back plate (has a larger center hole to accommodate the fat...
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    vh2q replied to the thread 14-13-2 Engine Driven Fuel Pump.
    The Ebay diaphragm fitted to the modified center post has been working great for 3 months. For the first time, fuel pressure remains at...
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    ArtieG replied to the thread Gear geometry.
    Ok it looks like what I’m looking for is 194212 lower assembly. I found one for a 1969 17-30. Is this the same part for the 14-19-3? I...
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    ArtieG replied to the thread Gear geometry.
    I went back to the airport and jacked her up to look at the gear. There is some play on the lower portion of the right gear and a lot of...
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    Hey guys it’s been a while since I posted. Took up my 14-19-3 after a very extended annual today and on landing it seemed she was on...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Aeromatic Spinners.
    Did this ever come to fruition? Note, there are several varieties of spinner/backplate for the aeromatic: f200, f200H etc.
  • fholbert
    fholbert replied to the thread Battery ?.
    Concord hands down. I don't have the model number handy, get the one with extra power. You mite ask that question on...
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    LaMay1 posted the thread Battery ? in Main forum.
    Any suggestions for a SEALED BATTERY for a Super Viking 1731ATC? I currently have a Gill G35. Any suggestions on a CONCORDE sealed...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Do I take the wings off?.
    Well this is an ancient thread .. but since I just bought a second Cruisair, I was doing some research on wing finishes. My first plane...
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    vh2q replied to the thread Ac fuel pump and afuel filter.
    New diaphragm working great, maintains fuel pressure even after shutting down engine. Then & Now ignoring my q's about their diaphragm...