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  1. B

    parking brake leaking

    when it got cold this year, i began to notice a few red drops under the cruisemaster in the morning after a cool night. i traced it down to the parking brake control valves. only the right one was leaking but i took them both out. No rebuild kits that i could find. New ones cost $400 from...
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    warped disk on horizontal stabilizer

    so, i quickly noticed that at cruise i need to rest my foot on the right rudder pedal to make my cruisemaster fly straight. i have been living with it for over a year now, but have been looking for a reason. i did some measuring, and my the left tail roundrel (or whatever you call the discs on...
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    i thought i would start a new thread about this. i probably will not be able to come to meet early at watertown on friday, and will fly up sunday, weather permitting. i've never been before so i would much rather come in a group, but i just can't stay that long, and if i leave here on friday i...
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    posting pictures

    i went to a local fly in and they requested a fly by when i left. somebody sent me a few images, and i was going to post one but i can't figure out how to do it. help. its a really cool picture. bobg
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    low generator voltage

    my generator works ok, but the voltage is a little on the low side. it runs about 12.5 volts, and i think it would keep my battery at a higher level of charge if it were 13 or 14 volts. I read the manual on the delco regulator and identified the screw you need to turn to increase the voltage...
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    throttle linkage

    Not a cruisemaster story but nobody is posting anything so here goes. my rv8 throttle linkage developed a small catch or tightness lately so I decided to fix it because the weather here sucks for flying. I replaced the old style cable end because it had the kind where there is a ball attached...
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    digital tachometer

    today i finished installing, temporarily, a cheap digital tachometer i ordered on the internet. it only cost a couple of bucks, and they are pretty accurate so far as i can tell. i made a bracket that fit on the left side of the motor where a palnut holds the front air scoop in place, and...
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    water in gas tank

    i just posted this because there doesn't seem to be much activity on the forum lately. maybe it's because the weather is bad even for hangar flying. i have some projects on my cruisemaster that i was planning to get to this winter but it is just too dang cold to work in the hangar (even in...
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    dynon d3

    i gave myself a dynon d3 for christmas. it came last week but the weather was crappy and i didn't fly with it until today. i flew with it today in my rv and in the bellanca, and i really like it. it takes some getting used to, my only problem was setting the pitch exactly where i wanted it...
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    aileron bellcrank slop

    i searched the archives for this topic, but came up empty. sorry if it's another repeat but i was working on a 71 cit this afternoon and we were trying to address a slight aileron slop issue. we isolated the slop in the left bellcrank. the bellcrank has a lot of up and down travel, unlike...
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    Bellanca's Golden Age

    For my birthday my wife Mary gave me a new book about Bellanca's, titled "Bellanca's Golden Age" by Allen Abel and and his mother, Drina Elch Abel. It was publised in 2004 by Wild Canyon Books. It's full of pictures and is well written. i tried to take a picture but the file is still too...
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    generator or alternator

    my plane has a generator. it works fine. it's not broken. i have a good small modern alternator on the shelf. would you swap them out? i'm thinking no, because i generally don't fix things that aren't broken. but long-term, generators are problematic. they have brushes that wear out...
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    fine wire plugs

    i changed the oil in my cruisemaster and my rv over the weekend, i have put 50 hours on the bellanca since this summer when i brought it home. i have most of the major kinks out, it's not leaking anything right now. i did notice that one of the heat shields on the intake maniford connection...
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    my new headset

    i was reading in the fly baby forum how ron wantaja made an adapter to match 8 ohm ear buds with 300 ohm airplane radios. the transformer he used was from radio shack, which are hard to come by and out of production, but i got the specs on it and ordered several over the internet. it works...
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    my leaky flare

    i know who did this. i won't mention any names. it was not me. this is the worst flare i have ever seen on anything, much less an airplane that needs it's hydraulic fluid to put the wheels down. it was not an a&p mechanic. owner maintenance. not the last owner. by the way, the cruisemaster...
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    carb temp

    its rainy today, and i was just looking over things, and remembered my cruisemaster came with at carb temp gauge. it wasn't in the panel but in a box that came with the plane. i don't know how to hook it up. the carb was rebuilt before i bought it, and maybe they left it off, or it...
  17. B

    more hydraulics AND Bellanca saturday

    i think i got my hydraulics all fixed. the culprit seems to have been the worst flare i've ever seen on a tube, aircraft or otherwise. it was the line that puts the flaps down, and it mainly leaked when the flaps were lowered in flight, when there was a lot of pressure on the line. it didn't...
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    more hydraulics

    another hydraulic leak problem. i have the old style manual pump with the rectangular cast reservoir. on top there is a fill plug that i think came with pipe thread fittings. there is a bushing in the hole with another pipe thread plug on top of that. the plug seeps hydraulic oil. its not...
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    bellanca saturday

    i had to make this picture really tiny to get it accepted by the software on this forum, but in real life it is a really pretty image. cruisemaster, viking, and cruisair below a fire tower in tennessee yesterday. the hardest part was landing them on the top of this mountain. bobg
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    well today was a red letter day, the end of a 2 month saga to retreive a barn find from seattle and get it flying again. the annual was signed off this morning, i'm legit. plus most everything on the airplane actually works. it's been fun, lots to do still, but i think i might go fly...