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  1. M

    Missing My Cruisair

    Bellancaphiles I wouldn't call it a case of buyer's remorse - more like missing an old friend. I've been without my Cruisair for about a month now since selling it. Our last flight was a long cross-country from Minnesota to Idaho over some spectacular scenery. While my new J35 Bonanza is a...
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    Home from Iraq/Aeromatic Spinner Question

    Bellanca Drivers: I've just returned home to snowy, frigid Minnesota from another 3-month tour in Iraq. I flew about 50 surveillence missions this trip and I can tell you we are seeing major gains in security around Bagdhad. Peace seems to be breaking out everywhere there... encouraging to...
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    Upgrades, Franklin Rebuild and advice needed

    Bellanca Drivers: Hello from Iraq. I am working outside Tikrit, Iraq for an Army project. Not being able to fly my Cruisair is driving me crazy but gives me plenty of time to make plans for upgrades and improvements. When I return this summer, I plan to turn in my plane to Webers and/or the...
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    Carb Mystery - Guru advice needed

    I hope some old gurus can help me with this problem on my Franklin 165. Symptoms: -At idle up to about 1700 rpm, all fuel pressure indications are normal: 4-5 PSI. -When you go up to full throttle with full rich mixture, you only get about 2000 rpm and fuel pressure drops to 0-0.5 -Still...
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    Carb icing with Franklin 165?

    Cruisair Drivers: The past couple of times I went flying, I have experienced carb ice in my Franklin to an extent I never have in Lycoming and Continentals. Conditions have been ideal, with air temps around 55 and high dewpoints. Today I had a normal run-up and smooth running until I took the...
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    1947 Cruisair vs 1950 Bonanza

    1947 Cruisair vs 1950 Bonanza This past Friday I had my Cruisair out flying around the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. If you ever get a chance, fly into St Paul Downtown Airport (Holman Field). The landing pattern into Runway 14 takes you right over the buildings of downtown St Paul...
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    Trim Tab Drive Screw - STRIPPED!!

    Bellanca Drivers: I'd recommend a thorough inspection of the threaded shaft that actuates your trim tab. I got a scare today when I was flying. I was happily cruising along at 130 IAS and suddenly the yoke did a rapid cycle out and back in, pitching the nose up and down. I returned home to...
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    Good Numbers for Fuel Burns

    I have a 165hp Franklin in my Cruisair and have never found a good set of numbers that show fuel burn for climbs and cruise. I have never trusted fuel gauges and prefer to rely on established burn rates. I have decided to do some testing and document the results on spreadsheets. Once I...
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    Cruisair Checkout

    Bellanca Brethren: I have 2 flights and 4.1 hours dual in my new Cruisair. I know I'm singing to the choir but I have to report that this bird is a fantastic airplane to fly. It climbs out strong at 1000FPM+ and handles so crisply that it feels like its on rails. I've been doing 3-point...
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    Does Anyone Have Firestone Brakes on their Cruisair?

    The Cruisair I am buying has Firestone brakes. I find no reference for these in my handbook or on the internet. I got to see them disassembled and they appear to be a good brake. It is unique in that it has an internal circular pad that pushes inboard to grip 360 degrees. The owner says it...
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    Still Waiting for my Cruisair

    Bellanca Buds: I agreed to purchase a 1947 14-13-2 back in August but a series of delays over the past 2 1/2 months have resulted in an excruciating wait for my "new" Bellanca. It appears that the nagging problems from a rough running Franklin are nearing resolution and I stand to take...
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    Cabin Room in a Cruisair

    How does the cabin in a 14-13 compare to the cabin in a 14-19? Are they close to the same dimensions?? I am looking to perhaps purchase a 14-13-2 but have never been in the cabin of one. I went flying in Mark's O-435 14-19 here in Minnesota and loved it. The cabin was big enough for my needs...
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    Cruisemaster Buyer Seeks Advice

    I currently own an Ercoupe that I'm in the process of selling. I've found an interesting 14-19-3 for sale in Wisconsin that I plan to go look at next week. My Ercoupe has been a real gem - very little maintenance beyond oil changes and lubrication. It is so simple that nothing ever seems to...