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  1. R

    Maule airbox installation in 165 Cruisair

    Modification to Maule M-4-220C airbox is complete. Working on modification to bottom cowl to allow intake for the airfilter assembly. This is going to work. I'll post pictures when I get it all fitted together. I have an engineer who can do an 8110-3 on it.
  2. R

    Baggage sling delete

    I had something spill into the aft fuselage of N74233 after I had already recovered it. I had to remove the baggage sling in order to get in there to clean it up. I've never cared for that sling anyway. It makes access to the aft fuselage a real bear. I don't even see it in my parts catalog...
  3. R

    Airbox and scoop for Cruisair

    Hey everybody! I need a serviceable or at least repairable carburetor airbox and the intake scoop for a 14-13. I have given up trying to come up with an approvable air filter setup that I like so I will need to go back to the original configuration. I'll come up with a filter system later. I...
  4. R

    Landing Gear Trunnion Nuts

    The bronze landing gear jackscrew trunnion nuts on my Cruisair Sr. are very worn out and I need new ones. Does anybody have any of these? I need both left and right. Thanks. Rogers Hunter 210-862-6077