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  1. S

    Carbon Monoxide!!!

    So, I had quite a scare the other day with carbon monoxide in the cabin. Honestly, I don't want to relive the experiance again. But......... Here I am with a pax cruising down to the Kustatan on an already crummy day. Matter-of-fact I am suprised that I saw other equally arrogant pilots...
  2. S

    Faulty Oil Temp??

    I am a little perplexed. Okay, '70 Citabria 7ECA w/ 0-235-C1. 1650 TT E&A. Had what I am pretty sure was a dead Scott Oil Temp guage. Replaced it with the same. Worked fine for about 2 months or so although never got above 150 degrees. (Probably more because of Alaska in the winter). Then dead...