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  1. A

    Alternator field switch

    I've never had one of these before - "self exciting" alternators and all that. It appears that it is charging the system when it's on, and the system shows a slight discharge (electrical stuff on) when it's off. Is that pretty much what there is to know? The original POH doesn't mention the...
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    how can you tell if you have the heavy duty front struts?

    Subject pretty much says it. I find in the logs where it says "new style front struts installed" but I'm wondering if there is a visual way to recognize them. Thanks
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    Lurker speaks out, New Owner (7ECA)

    On Saturday I took delivery of a 1965 7ECA (serial number 290). I've known the previous owner for many years and was aquainted with the previous - previous owner before that. That owner had used it for tailwheel instruction and basic aerobatics. By all accounts he was a finicky instructor and...