Search results

  1. Jonathan Baron

    They're Within Three of Us, Damnit!

    We've led this tiny league for a long time but now that Citabria/Scout and whatever G.M. never made crowd is within three posts (two after I hit Submit) of leading this forum. Thus, I propose we stick up for G.M. and do some chatting ourselves. Yeah, it's silly, but it's winter...a time when...
  2. Jonathan Baron

    Can Paint Be Removed From Fabric?

    It's nothing that needs immediate attention, but my Cruisemaster's horizontal stabilizer has good fabric, but has received coat of perhaps the wrong sort of paint for fabric. It's cracking. Folks I know say that it's not possible to remove paint from fabric covered aircraft. However, those of...
  3. Jonathan Baron

    Dare I Say "It's Done" Ever Again?

    Bellanca 6561N arrived at Harvey Field in Shohomish, WA at 2:50 PM PST on Saturday after an annual, an unavoidable gear up landing in Albany, Oregon, and ten months of inexplicable anguish. The shop's owner was so anxious to get it home that he had his CFI fly it here and he followed in a...
  4. Jonathan Baron

    Thor's Hammer

    Oy vey....sometimes getting out of bed is a dreadful idea. We had a weather break up here in the Pacific Northwest, where folks are friendly and your buddy says "Great! Let's go!" when you need to fly from Seattle to Albany Oregon to fetch your Cruisemaster that has been languishing since June...
  5. Jonathan Baron

    It's Done, it's Done, it's Really Done

    He went away and your Mooney hung around And bothered me, every night ‘cause your Mooney flew around And when I wouldn't go out with you ‘cause a Mooney gets me down You said things that weren't very nice My Bellanca's back and you're gonna be in trouble (Hey-la-day-la my Bellanca's back)...
  6. Jonathan Baron

    Hey Larry - Or Anyone in Oregon: I Need a Refresher

    Well, after five months of hassle my Bellanca is finally ready to leave Albany (Albania) Oregon. I feel it would be a good idea to get a pilot tune-up (pattern work, stalls, slow flight, etc.) before I bring her home to a 36/2400 strip of pavement. As you can imagine, the grass strip there...
  7. Jonathan Baron

    Interesting Site (not SPAM): Abandoned Airfields

    Bellanca brethern: There was an article in AOPA Pilot regarding a fellow whose passion is documenting the history of abandoned and swallowed old airfields. I'm sure if you look at the site, you'll find a place (or many places) you knew well, alas.
  8. Jonathan Baron

    All I Can Hear are the Crickets

    Dang it's gotten quiet in here. Something's got to be happening. Dave, is that cover job getting any easier? Lynn, any new and crappy strobes? Some fella, Cobra180kts, is looking for....well...180kts, though I doubt he'll see it without a good tailwind in a triple tail taildragger. Lynn...
  9. Jonathan Baron

    How to Nearly Ruin a Great Fly-In

    As I'm sure is the case with most of you, your darling is not always your should put that differently. There are those big fly-ins you tell everyone about, and those you mention to only a very few, if anyone. For Luscombes on the west coast, we have our BIG Columbia event, with...
  10. Jonathan Baron

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    My fellow triple tail worshipers: I don't know if this has bothered any of you, but lately AOPA has ascended the tall horse and noticed something everyone knows: the GA pilot pool is shrinking, new strudent starts have been dropping at a steady pace, and so forth. Their answer: we (that's...
  11. Jonathan Baron

    Cruisemaster Hydraulic Pack Conclusions

    Although I don't feel much like posting at the moment, I thought it best to share what should have become obvious from the lengthy power pack thread: Electrol 750B power packs are no longer viable for overhaul for 14-19s, or for Cruiseairs employing O435 engines and the 750B packs. 1. Nobody is...
  12. Jonathan Baron

    Care to Talk About It?

    Hey Folks! I'm writing an article for the upcoming issue of the newsletter.....hey, stop groaning! This article is on the hydrauic power packs in our 'Masters and early Vikings, referred to by Aviation Consumer as "notoriously balky." Thus I need your stories if you have run afowl of these...
  13. Jonathan Baron

    Hydraulic Power Pack Used in the 14-19-2?

    As you can imagine, I'm not keen on using the Electrol 750B power pack again on my 14-19. Do any of you Bellanca 230 guys know the type of power pack used on your airplanes? I recall a 750N, but I'm not sure. Thanks guys :) Jonathan
  14. Jonathan Baron

    A Funny Thing Happend on My Way to the Forum

    Thanks to Russell I made it to Columbia despite this: And I had a wonderful time at the event. Both a Viking and a triple tail performed terrific buzz jobs and the folks were splendid company. If you live anywhere within...
  15. Jonathan Baron

    It's a Hard Rain.....Gonna Fall

    I went about acquiring my Cruisemaster is the worst of wrong ways, and it has cost me. First off it had sat for five years. Its previous owner had his own way of doing things. The mechanic I paid to annual it got busted for running a meth lab upstairs in his hangar. The power pack sort of...
  16. Jonathan Baron

    Another Entry in the WTF File

    Okay, it's enough that I could have bought two nice -2s for the money I've "invested" in getting my 14-19 into good shape. However I'm wise enough to know it's never over.....all you can hope for is a break. Unfortunately this story I'm about to relate reminds me less of simple maintenance and...
  17. Jonathan Baron

    How Many of You Fly Your Cruisair or Cruisemaster IFR?

    Although our aircraft would seem to be excellent instrument platforms (without that term meaning BORING), issues of older electrical systems, scant panel space for radios and indicators, and low output generators could make outfitting one for IFR difficult. I realize that many of our planes...
  18. Jonathan Baron

    Another Place To Post Your Photos

    Lynn recently posted a site - - where folks can post photos and details of their aircraft to the web. Here's another site. It has lots of photos I dug up when researching an article on Bellancas for GAN, plus some photos others have submitted, as well as photos of my...