Search results

  1. P

    Aileron vibration

    While recently flying his Cruisemaster (14-19-2; 0470) my friend experienced a momentary vibration through the control column. He was flying at cruise speed, and had initiated a moderate bank and pull-up when he felt the vibration. The instant he released the maneuver the vibration stopped...
  2. P

    Pitot static static

    I have a most wonderous cruisemaster. At 23 square my airspeed generally hovers about 180 mph (I've heard there are some that even go faster). It usually flies 300 feet higher than my GPS and NAVCANs radar shows. It is a marvelous aircraft indeed! Well so much for fantasy...obviously I...
  3. P

    Hartzell propeller 14-19-2

    This fall my obsolete Hartzell BHC82VF-1DB is due for a AD-mandated overhaul. Although it's been hangered and has accumulated less than 100 hours, I'm fearfull of the hit I'm about to take. The last overhaul cost more than $7000 (previous owner). Do I have any options other than the Hartzell...
  4. P

    Vibration victim

    Hi Guys, My recently restored 1950 Cruisemaster (0470 installed in the 70's) has a vibration issue. The problem becomes apparent after takeoff as I bring the prop back to square-up with the m.p. As the prop becomes more coarse the vibration becomes more 'intense'. The prop tracks O.K. and I...
  5. P

    14-19-2 air filter

    Does anyone have a source for the Air Maze P-1a, part # 123881 air filter? I can get them, but minimum order of five at $120/each. Thanks, Phil
  6. P

    14-19-2 Hydraulic System Pump Reservoir

    Does anybody know if/how this reservoir (top of firewall) is vented? We're closing in on a restoration project...should be flying in a couple months. Phil