Search results

  1. E

    Airspeed indicator

    My GCAA does not have the original airspeed indicator in it. My recollection is that there was an airpspeed with the logo and the name Citabria on the face. Can anyone confirm there is such an animal. Also, if someone has an origianl airpseed for sale,. I'd be interested. Thanks
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    Inpsection Covers

    I keep losing the inpsection cover on the right wing, next to the fuselage, towards the back of the wing. Have redone the ring with a new one, but still lose em. Trying to find the covers that have teh two crossing snap clips- but no joy with Spruce or Wag aero. Anyone know where I might...
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    Auto fuel tag

    I understand my auto fuel STC originally included with it a band or tag that was attached to the oil filer tube. I have a box of parts to look through, but don'tknow what I am looking for or what the tag or band says on it. Anyone have one of these can describe it or send a photo?
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    I Hate Toe Brakes

    The pedals in this GCAA are not well desinged to incorporate toe brakes. It is too easy to apply brakes unintentionally when you think you are only applying rudder. Especially if you have big feet. Let a freind fly my GCAA today ( with me in it). He learned to fly in a Champ about 50 years ago...
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    N number tape

    Anyone had experience removing the N numbers that are taped on the fabric. I want to change mine, but am worried about pulling off paint when I remove the numbers. Any methods that are proven to work well with minimal blemishes?
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    Citabria weight and balance

    Never mind. Mis read the graph
  7. E

    Citabria pattern power/speeds

    I am still getting used to the GCAA. One thing I have not figured out is pattern power settings. I am looking for an RPM to set abeam the numbers on downwind, fly a 1/2 mile pattern without touching the power - so as to fly final and arrive over the numbers at 1.3Vs . No wind of course. I...
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    Scott 3200 Springs

    Hello All, I noticed on my recently acquired 7GCAA with Scott 3200 that the tailwheel steering is pretty sloppy or slugish. I checked and the springs have some chain on them and it is all slack. There is no tension on the tail wheel. This means I use brake more than I should need for turns while...
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    Interav Alternator

    I posted this on the other forum as well.. I am going to be trying to get a field approval on an InterAv Alternator conversion on my Citabria. Anyone out there that already has one could help . I need copies of any paperwork the FAA has already signed off on for a Interav field approval. My...
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    Petersen autogas STC rip off

    I usually avoid ranting on line, but I think this should get out. Forewarned and all that.. The paperwork for my Petersen autofuel STC is lost- except for the 337 and the log entry. The STC cost 50cents per horsepower when it was bought. That was 75 dollars. I contacted Petersen to get copies...
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    New Owner

    Brought my new (to me) 7GCAA home today. I am sure to have other questions as I go along. But first.. What do I write in my log for Aircraft Make and Model, the abreviation I mean. Thanks
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    Wrong Engine?

    Hope I am not overloading the forum with all these newbie questions.. I just read the TCDS for the GCAA.. It calls for an O-320 A2B, C2B, or A2D.. The one I looked at today has an A1A. Haven't seen the logs, so I don't know the paperwork history. Anyone know the difference and if the A1A is...
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    Rudder pedal interference

    I looked at a 66 GCAA today, that I am considering buying. Did not get to see the logs yet., the owner is away on vacation. Everything looked almost like new. The airplane is hangared and had new spars, interior, fabric, engine major and prop in 2000. It now has 600 since then. The only sqwak...
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    GCAA buying advice

    I may be going to look at a GCAA soon. Any advice appreciated. Also, can someone recommend a mechanic in the Dallas area to do a prebuy? Thanks