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  1. bookmaker

    Interesting Citabria Story

    Last Saturday I received a letter with a return address in southern California. In the envelope were a letter and 2 photographs. One was a photo my wife had taken of me on approach in my Citabria, and it is on the internet. The other of a pre war English biplane. What was on the letter was a...
  2. bookmaker

    Citabria Oleo Strut Question

    I have a 1965 7ECA with the no bounce gear. At last annual, I decided it was a good idea to check the fluid in the oleos, and while at it replace all springs and seals. I ordered the rope packing seal. It was about 11" long (per side). I have the document for the measurement of the rope...
  3. bookmaker

    Camping with My Citabria

    It's been slow on the Citabria forum, so I decided to post a couple of photos of recent camping trips with my Citabria. Blackwater Forest Airstrip, Florida Panhandle Sept 2015 SERFI Fly In, Evergreen, AL October 2015 Feel free to add photos to this thread. Dale
  4. bookmaker

    Factory Visit

    My wife and I drove our camper to Oshkosh last week and were amazed at the overall event. While there I attended a High Wing Bellanca session moderated by Jerry Jr. I think I became one of his newest thorns in the side. :o) Having an early bird, many of my questions are difficult (or...
  5. bookmaker

    Sun and Fun 2015

    It may be a little early, but I am curious who is planning to go to Sun and Fun this year. Generally, they hold it the last week of tax filing season and since I am a CPA, that lets me out. However, this year is April 21-26, so I am planning to go and camp for a few days. :lol: I also have a...
  6. bookmaker

    It's Official

    My Citabria is AEROBATIC. We rolled my 1965 Citabria today. A friend, who is an aerobatic instructor, and also owns a 74 7ECA, let me borrow a parachute and rode in the back while we tested the waters of aerobatics in my bird. After a couple of runs to check speed and RPM, we decided it was...
  7. bookmaker

    Short Take Off test

    I had felt that it took exceeding long to get my O-200 powered 7ECA off the ground. Grass or hard surface. Today, I flew into a private grass strip where a friend keeps a O-235 powered 7ECA. We were discussing take off distance and methods, so we climbed in his so he could show me how he does...
  8. bookmaker

    O-200 Carb control mounts

    Does anyone have any drawing or photos for the throttle cable mount and carb heat mount at the carb end for the early Citabria with an O-200? Dale
  9. bookmaker

    New View from the Cockpit

    Well, I got a new view from my Citabria cockpit yesterday. I flew it with the door off. Great view - DOWN :shock: I tightened my seat belt just a little tighter. Since mine has the sliding port side windows, the cockpit was pretty much open. I wasn't sure how the wind would be a factor...
  10. bookmaker

    Early Citabria Oleo Maintenance

    In the next couple of months, my A & P friend and I plan to pull and "overhaul" the oleos on my 1965 Citabria No Bounce landing gear. New springs, seals and what ever else needs attention. I have read the information presented in the manual and reviewed the website on the maintenance of Aeronca...
  11. bookmaker

    Wing strut question

    I recently removed the jury struts from my Citabria for painting. Before being removed, they were attached some inside the tabs, some out, etc. I have looked in my parts manual, but it doesn't detail the order of assembly. My question, what is the proper order of assembly for the: wing tab...
  12. bookmaker

    Model comparison

    Yesterday, the weather was beautiful here in the Florida Panhandle. My friend Chris, who owns a '74 (or '75) 7ECA flew up from Panama City. I met him in the air with my '65 7ECA and we flew around a little while and I tried to get some inflight videos with my GoPro. I didn't do very well with...
  13. bookmaker

    LED Lighting?

    Has anyone installed "non-approved" LED position lights on their Citabria and filed form 337 for field approval?
  14. bookmaker

    Building Experience

    I am still relatively new flying with conventional gear and still skiddish with crosswind landings. Well today I added to my experience level. I took off runway 36 with winds coming from about 030 at 9kts. Flew around for a while in the nice cool temps around here. On my way back to the...
  15. bookmaker

    Need Help finding Brake Parts

    My 1965 Citabria has Goodrich disc brakes. I need to find some parts and am running into a brick wall. According to the Champion drawing 7-1176, the wheel and brake assemblies are 3-1086 and 2-883 respectively. The specific part I currently need is a 259-13 KEY. If anyone knows who might...
  16. bookmaker

    Early Citabria Brake Questions

    I have another question for you Citabria experts. I have a 1965 7ECA w/ Continental O-200. The plane has what appears to be a drum type brake. One entry in the maintenance records refers to Goodrich brakes. I cannot find any drawings, parts lists or instructions to this type brake system...
  17. bookmaker

    Wood spar doubler question

    Last weekend we cut the wing top inspection holes in my 1965 Citabria wings to check what looked like a compression crack we saw with a borescope. That turned out to be a dust line. Phew!!! However, we noted that several of the corners of the spar doublers were separating from the spar. We...
  18. bookmaker

    Wood Spar HELP

    My 65 Citabria is in for annual and today, my A & P and I may have found a compression crack in the forward spar. My A & P is not real comfortable with the wood spar Citabrias and is not really excited about doing more exploring to see if it is really a crack or some other mark. Does anyone...
  19. bookmaker

    0-200 Oil Temp and Spin On Filters

    Todd (69GCBC) and I have been discussing by e-mail issues with oil temperature and spin on oil filter adapters for the early Citabrias with the Continental 0-200. Todd indicated he had a friend who has one that seems to run very high oil temperatures. So much so, he has quit flying it (along...
  20. bookmaker

    No Bounce Gear Information

    I have looked through the past posts and have contacted ACA. I found very little about servicing, specifications and repair/ rebuild of the early Citabria No Bounce gear. A saw a couple pages back a reference to an addendum to a manual related to the no bounce gear, but no real details what...