Search results

  1. B

    8.50x6 Tires on 7ECA

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone knows where I can get the STC to put the 8.50x6 tires on my 7ECA. I looked at the STC list from the FAA, but can't find anything for the business listed there, and I called Northland Aviation in Alaska and they don't own the rights to the STC anymore. I...
  2. B

    My Citabria so cold!

    Hey Everybody, I have a Citabria 7ECA with the o-235, which I have had for almost two years now. I have a rear seat heater, and just put some new installation and door seals in, but my Citabria is just so cold still. Granted it is about 30 degrees on the ground up here, but sitting in the...
  3. B

    Oil Cooler for 7ECA (O-235)

    Hey Everyone, Just wondering if anyone out there that has put an oil cooler on their 7ECA knows if there is an STC for it? Thanks. Mike