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  1. kitepilot

    Good landing, bad parking job... :(

    Hello all... A bit late posting this story, but probably appropriate given what I already know. On August 22, 2020 I had an engine failure in an Aeronca Chief which resulted in a good landing on I-40 (East of Ashville, NC), but a pretty substandard parking job... :( I posted the whole story...
  2. kitepilot

    Wing jackpoints on a 14-19-2

    Hello all... In the process of annualing "Pinky", can't figure out how to jack her up. Thanks! ET
  3. kitepilot

    New 14-19-2 driver. One question. Some sad news...

    Hello World... First the sad news: N74375 (the flying flag, here in all her glory) was severely damaged in an engine out emergency. Ended up halfway submerged in a pond with a shattered wing. It will probably never fly again. The good news is that the pilot was uninjured. On to the next one: I...
  4. kitepilot

    A 'new' Aeromatic? Hmmmmmmmm...
  5. kitepilot

    14-13 gear legs O-ring part number ?

    Never mind, the message was there in the front... :oops: Hello town... First I apologize, I know that the answer is somewhere in the archives. I can't find it... :-( Second, the part number that I got from the parts manual got me an O-ring that I can barely slide over my thumb. Not...
  6. kitepilot

    Painting the prop...

    I have a Sensenich metallic prop that I'd like to paint, does anybody what are the legalities of it? What are the potential pitfalls? Balance? How do I remove the old paint? Do I remove the old paint? Has anybody painted their metallic prop? I have a very knowledgeable car shop to work with...
  7. kitepilot

    Legalities, conveniences (or otherwise) of mogas in a 14-13?

    What are the legal implications of feeding mogas to a 14-13? (I know of at least one 14-13 accident blamed by the NTSB on 'vapor lock because of mogas') Is it 'better' or 'worse' than running 100LL? Why? Is it safe? (that NTSB 'vapor lock' thingy...)
  8. kitepilot

    Darn... Another Cruisair gone. :( Good thing nobody was hurt...
  9. kitepilot

    Need part 9838. Left landing gear collapsed on landing.

    Well... I did a super-soft wheel landing on grass (I *HAVE* witnesses! ;-) ) and the left wing began dropping on the roll out. I initiated aileron correction until I realized that I had a landing gear problem, added power, and flew away. I then landed the airplane full stall hoping that the...
  10. kitepilot

    Aeromatic prop backplate/spindle and/or spinner drawings.

    Thanks to all who helped me with gathering information to install my new (to me!) Aeromatic prop. I am also having LOTS of support from Mr. Tarver (and son) from GREAT people! What I need now is help to either buy or build a backplate/spindle combo for the spinner...
  11. kitepilot

    Got me an Aeromatic prop. Need help installing...

    Hello All! I got me a new (looks LIKE new!) Aeromatic prop for my 14-13. I already have the 'B21-021 Aeromatic Propeller Operator Manual (F200)' (also known as the 'Field Service Instructions') and the 'B21-031 Aeromatic Propeller Overhaul Manual (F200)' My A&P is asking me about (from the TC)...
  12. kitepilot

    Darn! That time of the year. Need help with upcoming annual

    Well, time is (surprisingly) going by and the moment for the (dreaded) first annual inspection of the little woody moth is approaching FAST! (4 months in the future). Question is: does anybody know a friendly and Bellanca 14-13 savvy A&P/AI near the TN/AL/GA border? (that's near Chattanooga TN)...
  13. kitepilot

    KING KCS 55A HSI SYSTEM on 14-13 ???

    Hello Collective Wisdom... I have the opportunity to get a King KCS 55A HSI System: The whole enchilada... Question is: Who can install such a system on the 14-13? My panel: I can take out the VOR/GS...
  14. kitepilot

    OT: Question and answers about flying lower-48/AK/lower-48.

    Good morning all... As the time approaches for: I am starting to gear up to head there and (maybe) be the first Bellanca 14-13 to ever sign-up for the famous Valdez's 'short field landing competition'. No, I am not as ambitious (or...
  15. kitepilot

    150HP 14-13 oil change and spark plug questions...

    Hello there, first oil change, and questions are: What torque to tight the oil filter at? What torque to tight the spark plugs at? What gap to set the spark plugs at? Do I have to take out the whole bottom cowling or at this day an age is it aircraft dependant? Thanks!
  16. kitepilot

    Please illustrate me, why carburettors?

    Well, for years, I have heard the blanket statement: 'fuel injection is better than carburettor' And I certainly like better fuel injection... Homebuilders, however, still crank up airplanes with carburetted engines. Why? What's the logic here? I did read somewhere that the '470 flavor' of...
  17. kitepilot

    Spinning the 14-13. Really?

    Hello there: I like to explore the edges of the envelope of any aircraft that I fly, unless 'model knowledgeable' people has specific reasons to NOT to even try it. For example: I seldom (if ever) drive a Piper Tomahawk near a stall. I use an exercise (which I haven't found described...
  18. kitepilot

    Grounded by the trim... :(

    One and half months waiting for the panel, toy out, broken trim... I broke part 9856-A shown in page 46 of the Cruisair parts manual. Where can I find such part? Now, the part that got damage doesn't look anything like what I see in the schematics. The broken part is...
  19. kitepilot

    Need VOR/GS antenna for my 14-13.

    Hello World: I installed a VOR/GS in my 14-13 and I need to install an antenna. I saw a picture a few days ago of a 14-13 with the antenna installed on top of the vertical stabilizer right below the white nav light mounting (CLEVER!). Someone suggested me to just leave the antenna inside the...
  20. kitepilot

    Skis on a 14-13...

    Hello Universe... I did read 'Skis' in the 14-13's TC. Has anyone experienced skis on 14-13? Can they be found? Boy, I can sure use skis when I fly to Alaska next year... :)