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  1. B

    Tips on replacing the "Up" elevator cable on a 7ECA

    Hello, We need to replace the "up" elevator cable in a 7ECA. This is the cable that passes over a pulley that is situated just ahead of the vertical fin. This aircraft has an inspection hole on the belly just below that pully. I can reach the pulley through that hole, but won't be able to...
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    Fire Extinguisher Mounting

    Hi, I just bought a small halon fire extinguisher. Any one have a suggestion as to where to mount it in my 7ECA? Thanks! Bill
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    Climb Prop

    I have a 1979 7ECA with the 0-235K2 engine and a Sensenich 72CK08-0-52 prop. Do any of you have the same model/engine but with a 72CK08-0-50 prop? I was curious on what could be expected for cruise speed with the 50 inch pitch vs the 52 that I am running. Is the takeoff performance noticeably...
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    I have never flown an airplane with spades. I am thinking about getting some for my 7ECA. I don't do any appreciable acro, but wouldn't mind having lighter ailerons. Any advantages? Disadvantages (other than walking into them)? Comments?? Thanks in advance. Bill
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    Advice on replacing weatherstripping/door/window seal

    Hi, I just got some half round door/window seal from ACA. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to replace the door and window seals? Do they get cut and mitered at the corners? Any suggestions for applying the adhesive? Any thoughts, no matter how trivial or obvious they may seem to...
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    Airspeed Indicator Problem

    On my last two flights in my 7ECA, I noticed the airspeed indicator was slow coming off the peg during the takeoff. Today I held the airplane on the ground until it started indicating. I estimate that it was around 60-65 Mph when the needle came off the peg. Once it came off the peg, it...
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    Cruise Prop/ Power Setting Question

    My recently aquired 7ECA came with a cruise prop installed. How do the power settings in the manual which are based on the standard prop relate to what I would use for the cruise prop? In other words, at 2500' my manual says that 2600 rpm is 76%. What would it be with a -54 prop vs the -52...
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    Citabria Door Lock Problem

    Hi, I just got a '79 7ECA. When I first got it the door lock worked fine. Today, when I tried to lock it, the key turned, the latch was locked, but I could not remove the key. It would unlock and the key came right out. Any suggestions, ideas? Thanks! Bill