Search results

  1. twheel47

    Cruisair in Ocean Springs, MS

    A gentleman contacted me for information, pre-buy advise, etc a week or so ago about a cruisair, N86725, based at 5R2 in Mississippi that's being sold as part of an estate. Apparently the fellow, RIP, who owned it had it a long time and local word is he kept very good care of it and flew it...
  2. twheel47

    Fixing wing heaviness

    I recall a conversation or two in the 1990s,during my tenure with the B-C Club whilst it was based at 02C in Brookfield (Pewaukee, actually) WI, about fixing "wing heaviness" by reflexing a flap instead of installing a fixed tab on an aileron which pretty much creates permanent drag. Supposedly...
  3. twheel47

    Struts for a 14-13-3 (14-19)

    Does anyone have any data about the taxi springs and "O" rings, etc in the 14-13-3 (same as the 14-19)? I'm going to replace the springs in mine in another month or so (annual) so I'll just change out the seals too. I understand there isn't any maintenance manual for the early Cruisemasters so...
  4. twheel47

    ADS B WAAS transponders?

    Who's been doing research on this dreaded topic? I started poking around a few months ago simply because the mechanical switches in my Terra transponder are getting old (corroded?) and are sticking more frequently. Annoying but the actual transponder still works well and uses very little panel...
  5. twheel47

    Wheel covers, Petton or otherwise

    Does anyone have (relatively) first hand knowledge of wheel covers? I have a set of (uncut) Petton fairings/doors and an annotated set of instructions from the STC, SA1019WE. They're a tad simplistic which is why some one wrote all sorts of notes and dimensions on another set which were used to...
  6. twheel47

    Sun-N-Fun 2016

    Anybody going this year? I'll be there Thursday through Saturday but am being flown down non-rev (Charlotte - Orlando) by my son this year since his airline schedule is very tight to allow for the vagaries of a 600 NM round trip. We had a ball in the Cruisair last year (one of only two triple...
  7. twheel47

    Old Bellanca pictures and past ads

    Does anyone have, or know of, the Cruisemaster ad from 1959 that showed a (new!) Cruisemaster going up at a very extreme angle. As a 13 year old I thought that was just the coolest picture and it started my life long passion for the triple tails. That fall I also saw two Bellancas leaving a...
  8. twheel47


    Had a wonderful talk with an "Old Timer" this morning who wandered into the FBO just to talk about "back when he was a pilot". First of all, that could be really scarey since I probably qualify for that category in the eyes of most pilots these days. Second of all, I knew of or had flown most of...
  9. twheel47

    Cruisair C.G. and battery placement

    I have noticed over the years that Cruisairs tended to have ballast weight (lead) affixed to the tail post when they left the factory and it only got worse as each later model had the battery migrating aft. Starting on the forward side of the firewall for the Cruisairs to under the passenger...