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  1. C

    McCauley Prop

    Perhaps most of you already know this but I'll pass it on anyway. I was having some oil seepage from the area of the propeller. It was minor and intermittent but I needed to address it sooner or later. Part of the problem was that I was unsure of the source. Research on the web led me to...
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    Wobble pump

    I went out today to fly my 14-19-2 after a three month layoff, only to find that I couldn't get fuel pressure from the wobble pump. This has happened before on occasion but I have always been able to start the engine anyway. This time, since I was unable to prime, it just wouldn't start. I...
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    Does anyone hava a line on where I might find decent maintenance manuals for a 14-19-2. I have the small operation and maintenance manual that is easy to find, but I would like something with more detail. Something that might spell out parts numbers, for instance. Thanks, Chuck
  4. C

    What is it?

    Okay. So I help my IA with my annual on my Cruisemaster (14-19-2). I have my son take apart the interior but he is not there when I put it back together. I wind up with two parts, a left and a right, that I am not familiar with. They look like rather large automotive sunvisors. They are...
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    Brackett Air Filter

    Has anyone used a Brackett air filter in a 14-19-2? I would like to use the Brackett and the BA-173 fits in nicely, but the company says they have no STC for the Bellanca and it takes field approval. Does anyone have a 337? Chuck 9805B
  6. C

    Cruisemaster nose bowl

    Does anyone have any information on splitting the nosebowl on a Cruisemaster? Or is anyone aware of a mod on the Cruisemaster nosebowl that will allow access to the prop governor? Thanks Chuck Tully N9805B