Search results

  1. L

    Substantial items found during annual inspection...

    We found three significant items during my annual inspection which I believe other club members should be aware of. The aircraft is a 2003 7GCAA, purchased new, and it now has 490 hours. One owner, always hangared, in Colorado. Item 1: On the inside of the shroud around the muffler, there is...
  2. L

    ATS spark plug cleaner/tester??

    Does anyone have experience with the ATS spark plug cleaner/tester? I'm talking about the one that uses an abrasive air blast to clean the plug, and allows testing the spark as well. The comparable Champion-brand machine is about $1600.00 or more, the ATS one something less than $500.00...
  3. L

    Spillage during oil change...

    When I remove the oil screen housinig during each oil change, I almost always get a significant amount of oil spilled down the back of the engine. Has anyone developed a process that avoids this? Thanks!
  4. L

    Jack Pad For Gear Leg...?

    I am faced with changing tires soon on a 7GCAA. Does anyone have a good, proven design for a jack pad or saddle that goes under/around the gear leg, and allows a bottle jack or floor jack to be used? I read the various posts related to changing tires on the 8KCAB, but didn't find a complete...