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  1. P

    My crash

    As some are aware I had a gear failure on landing at Columbia this past weekend. Cause-poor pilotage. Al Pontius indicates that he can rebuild the gear at reasonable cost. Robert Seale is willing to do all the other work. Wing damage is mostly a 18 inch section of leading edge, pitot tube 2...
  2. P

    14-19-2 Carburetor

    My 14-19-2 is supposed to be equiped with a Marvel Schebler MA-4-5 Carburetor model 10-4893-1 (according to internet sources for a O-470-K this would be the standard carb) On my plane there is a Marvel... MA-4-5 Carburetor but it is (according to the data plate) a 10-3965-12! I suspect MA-4-5...
  3. P


    The springloaded button that pops up to change the tailwheel from a shopping cart wheel to a steerable tailwheel has been depressed and not popped up. I suppose I could hit it with a stick driven by a hammer and hope it pops up again, but how does one disassemble the collar to fix the problem...
  4. P

    Flap Speed

    The 86 mph flap speed on my plane is a real pain. It occurs to me that if that holds for full flap, then at less than full flap perhaps we can use more speed. I did some calculations. Bear with me if you don't recall your high school trig. I also make some assumptions that may need...
  5. P

    aileron hinges.

    All my aileron hinges seem a bit loose (at the attachment inside the wing) There is an inspection cover foreward of the rear spar, but none aft. Do I have to knock a bunch of holes in the wing to get to the hinges. Anyone with experience in this.
  6. P

    gear down switch on 14-19-2

    Getting my first annual with my -2 and the mechanic notes that in the book (for a -3) it indicates that when you push the lever down to lower the gear, it should automatically pop to neutral when the pressure rises on the hydro system. On my previous -2 and on this one, you push down and when...
  7. P


    My 14-19-2 doesn't have an OAT. Where does the factory put them?? I went into my box of old Bellanca parts and found a OAT that I replaced on a 14-13 back in the late 70's. It was rusty, so I buffed it up and found it was made of Brass! Now to figure out the right spot.
  8. P

    main gear springs

    What is the height of the main gear springs?? I hear 6.5 inches. New springs are rather expensive through the factory. Does anyone have a source for identical springs through another source (I'm sure the factory doesn't build springs-they must be bought through an industrial supplier). Also...
  9. P

    Rebuilding gear on 14-19-2

    As long as I have my gear off my 14-19-2, I will probably try to make it like new. I am rebushing everything, but need help on replacing the bronze/brass bushings in the gear legs. Does anyone have some?? I will contact the factory, but my understanding is that generally people make their own...
  10. P

    Gear leg bushings

    A couple of months ago, I reported my handling problems and need to rebuild/rebush the gear so it would land straight (14-19-2) My mechanic seems not to know how to best replace the big brass/bronze bushings in the main gear legs. Is there a mechanic in northern or central California who can...
  11. P

    Looking for some Bellanca experience

    I have announced to everyone that I am looking for a Bellanca, and I think I have entered into a purchase agreement, but I thought that last October as well. Anyhow, if the deal goes through, I will be picking my Cruisemaster up and flying it home in late April. I have a bunch of time is...
  12. P

    I'm still looking to buy and have a few easy questions

    About six months ago I noted that I was looking for a triple tail and got some very positive comments from a number of people. Need a couple of bits of information . I have owned both a Cruiseair and a Cruisemaster in the past and am looking for either a 14-19-2 or a 14-13 (The 190 HP Lycoming...
  13. P

    Looking to buy cruisemaster/air

    As I mentioned in a previous note that somehow didn't get posted, I am on a search for the "right" aircraft. With the Franklin 165 horse engine (vs 150) , is the extra horsepower only available because it has a higher maximum RPM. In other words at altitude with 2400 RPM and 20" would both...