100LL in 0-235-C1


New member
I have been 100LL in my 0-235 equipped Citabria since buying the plane a year ago. The main reasons why I run 100LL as opposed to the red stuff (80) is... it is the only available fuel at my home base, it was what the prior owner used, and it is approved for use in the engine.

At the recent West Coast fly-in, I was surprised to see how many pilots were using 80 in their citabrias.

I have read the following article from Lycoming...
http://www.lycoming.textron.com/mai...keyReprints/general/lowCompressionEngine.html , but I was wondering if anyone out there has any personal precautions or suggestions they can make regarding the use of 100LL in the 0-235.

Citabria 7ECA N57469
Hi Brad,

Since 80 is no longer available to most of us, I have been using 100LL and adding 2 ounces of Marvel Mystry Oil to each 5 gallons. This adds a little bit of lubrication to keep the valves from sticking. Penzoil 2 stroke boat motor oil is also a good choice.

Hi Brad.
I used MMO in my a-65 Champ, and always noticed a difference when I DIDN'T use it.

I know ... sounds like snake oil, but it sure seemed to make a difference.
