14-13-2 Eclipse aviation retracts


New member
The parts plane I picked up a couple months ago had an Eclipse aviation retract motor on it, I did a drawing number on it and came up with something from WWII but did not mention what plane it was off of? Has anyone else used this on theirs and what was the pro's and con's of it besides weight? The plane that it came off of had gear failure, looked as if gear was not locked down before landing and taking the gear out of it. Thanks for any comments Joe.
It has been my understanding that this motor had it's origin as a Cessna T-50/UC-78 flap motor.
Maybe you can do some research and confirm this.
Joe, where was the motor located? The factory electric gear was mounted under the passenger seat and snug up against the right side fuselage framing. My recollection of the STC mounted T50 electric motor was that it was more or less centered under the front seats. I think the club has old drawings of that STC. The factory motor has a dog clutch and a lever that comes out from under the right seat , that you push and hold in place with the regular gear crank. This engages the dog clutch. The factory gear was noted for popping breakers, but that was probably from stiff gear, rather than poor design. The owners manual has a section on the operation of the factory gear set up. Best of Luck. ______Grant.
This one was mounted under the front seat, it is big and heavy, It makes me wonder if it is worth it or not since the parts plane gear is damaged from not locking in on a landing. I would rather crank my rear off and know the gear is down than wonder if it is? The drawing did it have a relay and light to know they are locked down? Thanks for any help, Joe
The gear down warning bell and light are independent of whatever way your gear goes down, manually, electric motor, or hydraulic. The light/bell is wired into a micro switch on the carb, so if you pull the throttle back to low power the bell goes off if the gear isnt down and locked. There is a micro switch on the gear that disables the bell when the gear is correctly down. The type certificate should show how much weight the electric gear adds, but I think it is worth it. Just an opinion _____Grant.