14-13-2 interior and Canvas Baggage Sling.


New member
Anyone out there a have information on the original interior design for the 14-13-2? I was really hoping to make mine as original as possible.
As it stands now, I'm also a little unsure about how this was installed!

One other thing- I gave my original canvas baggage compartment to Aircraft Spruce and Specialty to have a new one sewn. If anyone out there wants a new one, Contact Dot in the interir dept. and tell 'em to make you one using David Wilkie's as a pattern.
They also have the original patterns for the canvas seat slings. They are NICE!

Dangerous Dave
Aircraft Spruce declined to make a baggage compartment sling for me. Airtex seems to think they can handle it. I'll keep y'alll updated if anyone's interested.

I received a very nice canvas baggage compartment from Airtex Interiors yesterday. It fits like the proverbial glove! :D

Hopefully they kept the pattern so if anyone else needs to replace theirs it won't be too much trouble.

Dangerous Dave
From what I understand you could get about any material you wanted if you supplied Bellanca with it. I have an original Bellanca manual with pictures of the original seat fabric design. I scaled it out from the picture and had my seats covered in leather to match the design. I am not sure if I can copy the picture well enough to see or not, I will try if it works I will forward it to you.