14-13-2 with a heavy wing


New member
I have been flying my 14-13-2 (1947) since last September and have been trying to sort out its tendency to roll to the left. The aircraft was purchased ready to “paint and assemblyâ€
You may need to check the horizontal for rig it may be out throwing the plane into a roll. There is a Stinson close to here with a similar problem I found one of the elevator halves to be twisted. After changing out the twisted half it flew great. I will ask around and see if anyone has had this problem on a low wing.

greetings! vic steelhammer here.
i've had similar problems with my 14-19 N522A, although it is right wing heavy. the structure has not seen any serious damage in it's life (that i can see) and the left and right wings appear to be rigged very close to each other. i notice that the aileron linkages have a little slop in them, so that will be cinched up at annual this year with new hardware and rigging. the factory says "...just droop the flaps as needed" but this seems crude and inefficient to me. i checked the tail rigging best i could, but it's difficult to measure accurately. there is little or no information on the flying wire tensions that i could find. i wonder if the tail being twisted could have any more effect than a drooped flap as the moment arm of the horizontal is less than the flap (flaps extend farther spanwise than the horizontal).
my guess is that since the wings are not adjustable (like a piper or stinson) that we're limited to some sort of aileron trim tab (assuming the ailerons aren't warped). there have been some good articles on rigging in sport aviation in the last couple of years. make sure the ball is centered and then trim the roll. anyone have any other suggestions?
blue skies to all,
vic & N522A

Give Dan Torrey a call - he's the Santa Paula Bellanca fellow you may have met. I had the same problem - many of our birds do as the wings will change shape a bit over time, or with a change in humidity, or phase of the moon.

The way it's normally handled is by putting shims on the flaps to add lift to the opposite wing.

Dan Torrey's company MARS can be reached at 805-933-3994.

Jonathan (6561N)
Check to see if anyone has overtightened the aileron brackets in the wing. This can cause the aileron to hang down below the wing despite it being in a neutral position. If one is lower than the other, that side will drag and pull the aircraft in that direction.

My brackets were overtightened so much my ailerons hung down almost 3/4 of an inch! I had to shim the bottom bolt. The only way to get to them was to cut into the aileron cutout in the TE of the wing. Upsetting? Yes. Satisfaction once the job was done? Priceless!