14-13 Brake Hose Installation


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N74221 - MLG Brake Lines

This is a general FYI post and I added a Keyword line to facilitate future searches.

Keywords: Brake Hose Cable MLG Landing Gear Strut Routing Interference

When I purchased N74221 it had been released for service after an extensive ground up restoration by at least 4 different owners over 30 years, and had been through one annual inspection. When I took delivery I also jacked the airplane to verify the struts were serviced with the help of another A&P/IA - so this area had been inspected on jacks at least 3 times.

During this annual my very thorough IA called up to me, cycling the gear in the cockpit, and said “I know Bellancas are strange airplanes, but come on down here and take a look and see if this is normal”.

It seems fairly obvious that something wasn’t right, so it was time to do some research. Here are a few of the things that weren’t ‘according to Hoyle’ and potentially could lead to serious problems.
Art, interesting as I have STC 294GL Cleveland brake install on my -2. I looked it up and the drawings show nothing about the brake hose routing. Years back (14) I installed large and small Adel's on the strut to route my brake lines. When I bought the crate it had tywraps. I knew that was a no no. Lynn the crate :shock:
Blimby -
I don't know why you would be getting such low pressures from the Scott 4000, but even a tiny system leak would have a devastating affect on the pressure. It doesn't compute that way, but if that is it then maybe I should worry - I'll be checking my actual pressures sometime in the near future, since the Bodell brakes need lots more than you are showing.

As for the hoses you ordered, I'm confident that you measured lengths with airplane on jacks and gear struts fully extended - right?

You have quite a project going and maybe could write an article for the Bellanca Contact. I'm sure it would be appreciated.

This discussion really hits home with me. I did an Annual on a Cherokee 235 in March and I changed the worn brake pads. The next day he said his brakes were soft. I never checked the brakes before I changed the pads so what could have happened. Long continuing problem. The plane was Annualed for 6 years before me by a large FBO. They had changed (timed out) brake hose lines. In attempting to make these brakes rock hard all the cylinders were rebuilt, no joy. I had access to another Cherokee and swapped all the cylinders and hoses in the cockpit. No joy Waterloo. I'm desperate so I plump a hard aluminum line from masters to brake calipers the system went rock hard. The culprit was the brake hoses from the top of the strut to the calipers a total of 82 inches. These lines were expanding internally taking my pressure away. I replaced these lines with stainless braid and the brakes went hard. In all my years I have never fought a battle like this one. Piper brakes can make a grown man cry. My -2 is a piece of cake compared to the Piper. :evil: