14-13 Landing Gear Retract Screw


New member
Does anyone have the right side (right hand thread) landing gear retract screw for 14-13? I buggered mind up in the process of reinstalling and then trying to remove it to back up a step in my rebuild process.

Mine is probably good enough to use, but would rather get one that the screw thread surfaces are not chewed up due to me getting in a hurry, one step ahead of my preparation, hot hangar, tight space, and some frustration.
I have one in my hand (right hand ironically enough) right now as I am converting to hydraulic gear in the 14-13 I just acquired. Email me your contact info and I will send it to you. It's yours.

RT, is there any chance you can chime in on your experience with the hydraulic gear conversion? I already have it ,but many people are interested in doing it. Where you located parts, what documentation worked, etc. It might be a big help to a fellow Cruisair owner._____Thanks,Grant.

Quite honestly I do not have much knowledge at all when it comes to Bellanca aircraft, much less the hydraulic gear retract conversion for the 14-13. I have restored many antique airplanes throughout the years (started very early in my life) but the only Bellanca experience I have to this point is 3 Citabrias, which do not translate at all to the Cruisair/Cruisemaster line. I acquired these two airplanes just recently and have only started putting the 14-13 together last week. Made great progress in a very short time but still am learning about the airplane as a whole. With that in mind, the 14-13 came to me with about 75% of the hydraulic conversion completed. I have not compared what has been done to any drawings or STC. Currently the following are installed and complete; hand pump, pressure gauge, hydraulic reservoir, relief valve and all lines that are associated with the fuselage. The left wing has the cylinder installed, left wing cylinder still to be installed. Still to install/engineer are the hydraulic lines for the wings and the accumulator. Looking forward to the process, and if I can help anybody with the process please let me know.

Also, with the acquisition of these two airplanes I have acquired many Bellanca Cruisair/Cruisemaster parts, so please let me know if anyone needs anything and I will do what I can to share. When I say share I mean if I don't need it, the part belongs to whoever needs it. No charge...


RT, it sounds like you are in good shape for the conversion, but beware of the accumulator . I know of a cruisair that went on its belly while parked because someone moved the wrong valve. There are no squat switches on these systems and the accumulator will hold pressure for quite a while. The Kidwell system doesnt show an accumulater, But the ATC system does.On the Kidwell system, if you move the valve while on the ground the system goes limp , but does not retract. Do you know if you have 14-19 retract struts or modified 14-13 struts? The adjusments are just enough different to be important. Good Luck With It____Grant.
gjordan...Thank you for the heads up. Funny thing is that I spent an hour last night going over the entire system and realized that based on the schematic the accumulator would certainly retract the gear if the selector valve was moved up. Gonna try to engineer a fix. I think the accumulator is an important component as the valves, lines, relief valve, etc were not at all designed to handle the high pressure transients that are associated with gear movements. Still not sure of the answer. As far as the struts and retract mechanisms, they are all modified 14-13 parts. I have compared all to the parts that came with my 14-19 and it is clear that the 14-19 pivot points for the hydraulic cylinder attachment are in completely different places. Gonna stick with the 14-13 parts for the 14-13.

jeffw, I have packaged the jackscrew I have and will hopefully be able to get it shipped early next week. I am a corporate pilot and am flying until Monday. After looking at it carefully I realize that there is some surface corrosion that removes very easily. If when you get it you don't want to use it just send it back and I will throw it in my pile of airplane stuff.

Cheers all...

Since we're on the subject I need both left and right retract trunnion nuts! Mine are so worn out that the jackscrew is making new holes above the screwhole itself! Anybody have both for sale? Thanks. Rogers Hunter 210-862-6077