14-13 VS 14-13-2


New member
What consist of turning a 14-13- into a 14-13-2
I am going thru my paperwork. The aircraft was born as 14-13 and now it is declared as 14-13-2. Can't find any 337 in ref.

Is this a mod on the stab/elevator? I know the throw angle is not the same on the elevator but anything else?

The horizontal tail group is wider on the later models most early 14-13's had no baggage door. Stabilizers are smaller on my plane than an early ones. My 14-13-3 had 14-19 gear from the factory. Some changes in the panel arrangment, mine has two fuel gauages. Adjustable seat backs.I am sure there are other differences I just can't think of them right now...Greg
Thanks Greg!
I found the measurment of the 14-13-2 stab in this forum. I will confirm the size and make the paper work in accordance.

Urgent!!! :(
Would there be anybody that has a 14-13 that was turned into a -2 and would have the drawings no: 9989,9995,9996 and 9918 or at least just the titles of these drawing. Like which one covered the stab installation, which one the control cable rigging etc.

Or maybe the 337 and could make a photocopy for me. This would finalize the certification of my bird.
I might be in trouble if I don't find this... :roll:

I Have the old hor stab, elev and aux fin part numbers but if I can find the same part numbers for the -2 it would greatly help for filling paperwork. Anybody have these part numbers?

Dear Alain:

9918: Elevator Stops - Control Column
9989: Stabilizer Assy.
9995: Elevator Assy.
9996: Aux. Fin - Wood

All these drawings are referenced to the 14-13, although the drawings themselves may show applicability to the -2. Unfortunately we do not have any of them.

Thanks a bunch Robert, just the drawing no. with title will greatly help.

Do you think it's possible to obtain part numbers for these items on the -2 ? They show in the operation and service manual but I'm pretty convince it's for the 14-13, not the -2
