14-19-2 air filter


New member
Does anyone have a source for the Air Maze P-1a, part # 123881 air filter? I can get them, but minimum order of five at $120/each.

Thanks, Phil
Phil, I have a field approved 337 to use Brackett BA-173 element in 14-19-2. This costs about 75 bucks. Give me an address and I will mail you copy. You can then get your own approval with this approved data. Brackett makes a nice product and it is easy to do. Lynn the crate :idea:
Thanks Lynn, sounds good...mailing address is P. Whitehead, 3916 W.33rd Ave. Vancouver B.C. V6N 2H8. Does the cowl have to be modified? I'm coming to the end of a six year odyssey and really don't want to take on too much more...you know what I mean? The pain, the pain!

On its way to you. There is no mod of cowl it is a sweet deal. Cover my mailing and we be smilin :D Lynn the crate
Thanks again Lynn, I'll do my best to keep you smiling. Now, where do I get a BA173 element? I've searched the web with no luck.

Exasperated, Phil
Phil, I bought mine from Brackett. This contact is enclosed in the paperwork sent to you. Lynn :D
Something that was totally non-obvious to me from Brackett's web site is that the web site only list the filter elements / brackets for which they have an STC. You just have to know about the ones that require one-time approval. But when I called for the filter for my 14-19-3, they had the right filter in stock, with dirt-cheap shipping costs. If I recall correctly, they just sent a bill with the filters rather than wait for my check. Not often that happens anymore.
I was surprised by the same thing. I contacted them about the 14-19 and they had the filter and bracket in stock. They just sent a bill with the filter. I wondered then how many times they get taken. I remember asking them if I could pay with a credit card and the guy said he didn't want to fuss with cards, so he would send a bill. Great people to do business with.