1947 Cruisair vs 1950 Bonanza


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1947 Cruisair vs 1950 Bonanza

This past Friday I had my Cruisair out flying around the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. If you ever get a chance, fly into St Paul Downtown Airport (Holman Field). The landing pattern into Runway 14 takes you right over the buildings of downtown St Paul and very near the capital building. It was an impressive sight. When I got back to my home field, a neighbor offered to take me up in his 1950 Bonanza. I had never flown a V-tail before and jumped at the chance. I had always read that the old v-tails were sweet flying airplanes with light control forces. I mounted up in the co-pilot’s seat.

We took off with a stiff crosswind that was handled easily. The 205hp “E-seriesâ€
Keep in mind that our mighty triple tails are almost invisible to the GA public, whereas the Bo is probably the most recognized icon of a high class traveling airplane in GA history. It earned its reputation through innovation and consistent workmanship. It has a wonderful wing design that was also used in the T34 Mentor. And, given the power settings you describe, I have no doubt the owner would see his 150kts.

However, I join you in preferring the triple tail's amalgam of art and science. Many of their qualities are not so much as drempt of by pilots of the either-or fleet - those who separate aircraft into categories of either a fun airplane, or a cruising airplane. 14 series Bellancas can mess around with the best (my goodness how that wing can hang on at high angles of attack and oh that roll) yet when it's time to cruise it flies with such determined dignity, it feels as if the sky were its dominion.

Finally, when next you experience your Bellance carve away turbulance, think of those poor rear seat passengers in tail happy Bananas turn an unhappy color as memories of Linda Blair in the Exorcist fill their pained brains. It doesn't matter that sometimes it's so hard to sell a triple tail that you have to wonder if we can give them away. Don't fret. Smile!
