1977 Decathlon door latch assembly


New member
Purchased a 1977 Super Decathlon recently and don't have a key to the door lock. I gave ACA the number on the lock cylinder but they couldn't reference it to anything(PK812). ACA has a newer assembly that requires modification to the door. ACA thought Wag Aero may have a complete assembly but I checked and they don't. Any ideas other than a locksmith??
Locksmith is the easiest way. Several years ago, a European member could not get a new key because of draconian lock regulations; I had him ship the lock here and had it done for him.

These locks will keep the kids and passers-by honest, but do not consider them secure.
The door latch assembly on my 74 7ECA is the same as used on Recreation Vehicles. I found a new door latch/handle assembly for around $50 on an RV parts website. The keys are the same and are universal. I found the website using Google.
PK812 is of the same series Cessna and Beechcraft used. PK000-PK999

eBay, $20
