1999 GCAA with Cracking and Chipping Paint on Tubes

Mark B

New member
I have a 1999 GCAA. The paint on the exposed tubes in the cabin has developed many fine cracks. Around a couple of the welds the paint has flaked off but the cracking and light rusting is evident along the length of tubes that frame the windscreen and the tube that crosses below the green house. The paint on the tubes in the tail cone and under the cowl look fine. Has anyone seen this on a new aircraft and any suggestions on how to deal with this? (The aircraft has always been hangered)
I've got the same problem on my hangared 2001 GCAA, I spray Boeshield T-9 on any areas that might rust like the clusters-the exposed tubes should stay dry and not get anything beyond a light surface rust between the cracks, airbrushing the tubing is the only permanet solution. The problem is rushed powder coating that hasn't been properly baked, I have a friend who spoke with somone who works for the powder coater who confirmed that when they get behind the frames are sped thru the oven with the knowledge the coating won't adhere correctly.

Another example of ACA QC, compliments the cracks in my fabric.

Sorry to hear that your GCAA is suffering the same problem. Did you speak to anyone at ACA about this? As an aside, from your location (ABE) it seems to me that we met last summer at van sant airport.

Yes, I remember your beautiful red Citabria at Van Sant.

The factory (and dealer, Princeton Aviation) won't answer, or return, my phone calls after they renigged on their offer to recover my plane as a result of the fabric cracking. Don't expect anything beyond empty promises.

Hope to see you at the B-C Club Fly-in.
