2000 7GCBC


New member
Hello all,

I'm a new member and this is my first post. I'm also a newly endorsed tailwheel pilot. I got my endorsement in a Decathlon and wish I would have found this forum earlier... lot of great information here.

I found a 2000 7GCBC for sale and have a few questions.

1. Would the newer 7GCBC handle similarly to a mid-70's Decathlon?

2. The 7GCBC had at one time a fuel leak which stained the overhead area. The owner spray painted to cover up the stain. Anyhow, are fuel leaks a problem with this model? Apparently the leak was due to a faulty clamp, at least that's what I was told.

3. Would you expect corrosion or rust if it's been hangered and has no DH. (Northeast plane) 7 years old, shouldn't it be rather clean?

4. Any other issues or potential problems with that model?

Thanks in advance for the help.


1) Yes and No. I would say more no than yes. Its sort of like a grapefruit to an orange. Very similar but not quite; your best bet to answer the question is to fly one.

2) Fuel leaks on post 1974 7's are not common at all. The tank design is different and they are not subject to the acro that an 8KCAB can be. Fuel leaks on top seem strange. Usually a leak is on the bottom....you know....the gravity side. :)

3) I would expect rust free on the frame with only minor Lycoming rust on the engine. (darn thing gets hot)

4) none come to mind
Thanks for the helpful comments jerrymjr.

Here's another question, the airplane has a total of 350 hours on the engine since new. According to the broker, it's flown on a regular basis. Should I be concerned with the engine based on the relatively low hours flown?

If its truely flown frequently, then not really. Lycomings need the oil sloshed around often, even if its 20 mins a day. The rust I referred to in my last post was what might be on the outside.

For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents on your engine question.

I bought a relatively low time 7GCBC with the 0-320. The log books showed fairly regular use, except for a 2 year period where it only had about 10 hours or so put on it. I took an A&P with me to inspect it, but didn't pay him to pull a cylinder and look around inside the engine. First oil change after purchase showed metal flakes in the oil and the major overhaul followed promptly thereafter.

Ignorance and trying to save a few hundred bucks ended up costing me alot of money, and more (my wife was actually enthused about the plane until the bill for the overhaul happened). Had I paid someone to do a thorough inspection on the engine I probably could have negotiated a price with the notion of an overhaul in mind.

The moral of my story is, if you have any question about the condition of the engine, and you can't do it yourself, pay someone who has the knowledge to find the answer for you. Good luck.

I appreciate both comments, thank you. I've got copies of the logs in front of me. Here are the hours flown since new.

2000-2001 - 93
2001-2002 - 85
2002-2003 - 53
2003-2004 - 50
2004-2005 - 36
2005-2006 - 31

Do you think those hours flown would warrant pulling a cylinder?

Thanks again for your input,


I would like to say I could tell you by looking at those numbers, but I can't, I am just not qualified. Which goes back to the moral of my story, if you're having any questions, and you can't tell for yourself, don't hesitate to spend the money and find out. After all, you're thinking about spending a whole lot more to buy that plane. Hope it works out well for you.

You will want to check for cracks in the paint especially around the edges of the tapes. I have a 1999 GCAA with a few small cracks but there have been reports of more serious problems. If you search this forum you will find some posts on this subject.

Check the condition of the paint on the exposed tubes. On my aircraft the paint on the tubes in the front of the cabin cracked and then the tubes began to rust. Some of the problem may be that those tubes are used as hand-holds when entering the aircraft but it is worth a look.

Good point. I'll have my mechanic pull a jug and have a look.

Mark B,

I hadn't heard about the paint issues. I'll be sure to research that.

I've heard about the rust through someone else. I don't know if it's related or not, but both the oil cooler and the brackets were replaced on this plane. Seems kind of wierd on a relatively new airframe.

I've got someone going to look at the plane today. I'll make sure he keys in on the points you made.
