-3 nose gear


New member
anyone have any info on the Cruisemaster landing gear? - parts breakdown, etc.?
I'm doing the annual on my 260, all the gear seem to be looser than I'd like but I don't really have a standard to compare against. On the upside, the gear works fantastic, tracks straight as an arrow and drives around like a go-kart on the ground.. Seems like the nose gear needs a new bushing and seal job..
Here's a short video - you'll see what I mean....

Well, I talked to Carol at Alexandria, he's got a parts manual heading my way for the 14-19-3a.. and we all know it's the same as a -3 except it's missing 2 vertical stabs and has some wacky rectalinear windows.....

:D Not so fast So Cal !! I have the -3a manual you mention and there are many differences from the -3, so be carefull ("O" rings actuators etc)...hopefully you got my other -mails...Cheers ken
BL20-161 Cruisemaster 260 parts manual shows only the 14-19-3A. The photo is a poor excuse for a assembly drawing but it does give part numbers. Better than nothing I suppose. :? Lynn the crate