7ECA enough?


New member
I am interested in buying a Citabria. Looking at the 7ECA and 7GAA. Curious how the 0-235 does as far as performance. I have an 0-320 in my PA-20 Pacer and climbs real nice.

Is the 7ECA a dog, performance wise compared to the 7GAA?

I am looking for something that my brother and I can fly ( we both weigh in at 200lbs), and that I can get involved with basic aerobatics.

Do those of you that have a 7ECA wish you had the extra 35 horses beneath the cowl, or is it not that much difference.



The ECA is a fine aircraft, highly recommended for primary training, tailwheel checkouts, and FUN. However to haul two 200 pounders, and do aero the improved climb of the GCAA will be a big improvement.

I own a 7GCBC and my hangar mate owns an 0-200 powered 7ECA. With two on board you can definitely tell a difference in performance. I've never flown the ECA solo so can't compare the two with lighter loads.
Had a 7ECA, good for feel good stuff but with no inverted it was limiting. Find a 150h.p. one with inverted and you will enjoy everything much better. If you are beefing about extra fuel costs, take up golf ! Oh, sorry, we just whupped you at that didn't we ? :D
My instructor has a GCAA and I have an ECA. I've flown both of them with him, and we've flown formation in our separate planes. I agree with the above posts and have this to add: Gross weight, cruising speed, and top speed are the same for both planes. But when climbing, the ECA gets left in the dust. -Alex