7ECA Lyc. vs. Cont. price


New member
I'm looking for a 60's or 70's 7ECA. Just wondering how the prices should compare of Lycoming engined ones vs. Continental equipped airplanes, all things being equal.

I used the Trade-A-Plane price evaluator. It showed the Continental as the default engine with an option to value one with the Lycoming. I was surprised that it showed the Lycoming plane worth about $1000 less than the Continental one. I would have thought it would be the other way around.

The AOPA evaluator defaulted to the Lycoming engine but didn't have an option to change this.

Does anyone have an idea about the difference in price I might expect of these two 7ECA models?

Not sure why the prices are what they are, but they barely built 2 years of the O-200 variant. You basically will have a tougher time finding a Continental powered 7ECA.

I would check the information you used in the TAP evaluator very carefully. I think the TAP tool is a little more accurate than the others, but the value can be skewed quite a bit if the incorrect information is entered.

I used the evaluator and checked on a 1964 7ECA. It came up with a Cont. o-200. I didn't change a thing and the valuation was 23,800. I changed the engine to a Lycoming o-235 and the valuation came to 24,050.

Which year did you use?
