7ECA spring gear question


New member
A friend just acquired a 67 7ECA and it looks lower than some others I've seen. I haven't measured it, but it looks like the gear may be shorter than what I see on later Citabrias. Question: were there different length landing gears in different years?

i have noticed that my 7eca has 5/8 inch thick gear and it is much lower profile than the 3/4 inch thick gear i see on some 8 series models. perhaps there is an stc for upgrade?
3/4 steel is for the 8GCBC with its 2150 gross weight.
Decathlons use the same 5/8 inch that citabria's do.
Yeah, I own a Scout, and I knew it had bigger gear. Thicker and taller. So, do all the other Citabs have the same gear??

Basically, yes.

There was 2 styles in the old days. Straight and taper. But, they were both 5/8 and they both go on all Citabrias and 8KCAB.