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I have 1965 7ECA with the 100 HP O-200 Continental. On the take-off roll I am only getting about 2600RPM, is this normal or should I be expecting more? Right now I am running the stanadard prop, is there a climb prop available and certified for my application? The reason I am asking is that I am operating the aircraft from a private grass strip and the take-off and climb performance does not seem to be what I had expected. I can take-off no problem by myself, I weigh 220lbs, but I am a little leary of putting my wife in the back and still making it off safely. Any information would be appreciated because where I am located there is not too many Citabrias, especially O-200 powered ones. Oh, and as far as the climb prop is concerned, I don't mind losing some cruise. I'd rather lose some cruise than have my wife make me lose the airplane by selling it.
Hi Erikz, I have a Champ 7DC with an 0-200 and I get 2500 rpms on takeoff and climbout, I operate from my own grass field witch is 1300' long and have no problems taking a passenger, solo I see about 600 fpm climb (I'm 215 lbs.) and with a passenger 400 to 500' at a climb speed of 60 / 65 mph the prop on the plane is a McCauley 6950 the standard prop used on the Cessna 150's.
First off I'd check the tach to see if it is reading accurately could be the engine isn't really running up to 2600.
MnFlyer, thanks for the information. When you have a passenger, approximately how much longer of a take-off roll are you getting as compared to when you are solo? My grass strip is about 1800' long but about a 1000' following that there is some large trees. Thanks again, it's nice to chat with someone who has a similar aircraft. I only have about 10 hrs flying this plane so far but other than the take-off / climb performance I'm loving it!
I've got an 7AC-CONV with an O-235 which actually doesn't have much more HP than your O-200. I have a 1000' strip with trees on each end and I really don't have a problem getting out with a passenger on board. My problem is stopping when landing!!! What is your field elevation? I am at 1500'. I do have more of a climp prop though since I have it on floats part of the year.
Maybe an off the wall suggestion but you might want to try VG's also to help with better aileron control at the slower speed.
My field elevation is about 1000'. I thought about VGs but I don't know how much of a difference they would make.
Hi Erikz, my elevation is 1400' and at the south end there is an interstate freeway with a 10 to 20' grade at the very end of the runway the north end has tall cottonwood trees about 700 to 800 ft from the end. With a 235 lb passenger it takes about 200 to 300 additional ft of runway thats with 1/2 fuel tank (13 gals.) of course your plane has more empty wt than mine I'm sure.
Glad to hear your liking the plane they are nice flying planes, the more you fly it the nore comfortable you'll get. With cooler weather coming it will perform better also.
Hey Keith when are you removing the water shoses and putting the Airstreaks back on?
I'm not too sure. Another friend is pushing me to get the floats off also. There is a Fall Colors Tour next week up in Northern MN and he is wantin g me to join him. I might see if I can get them off next week sometime. I'm not in a hurry though since I would rather fly floats than anything..its a blast.
When are you going to buzz up this way?
Hey Erikz.....I to own a 65 7eca 0200 and posted a smilar thread about 8 months ago.....I think it was under prop choices for 0200 7eca...check it out .....in the spring I had the prop repitched to 6946 which made an improvement but did loose 3-5 mph in cruise.....the main thing is try to get your motor to turn as close to 2750 as possible in cruise wide open...have your tach checked.....and repitch if you like....I now turn 2650 on t/o and 2725 wide open....I still have to watch my fuel load..temps...and winds during summer months but its doable.....Rich in northern In.
Well, I finally took my wife for a spin and the take-off performance was better than I expected. It did take about 200' more but it's doable if the strip is nice and dry. Now I'm curious how it's gonna do on skis this winter. Oh, wife is also a Citabria fan now!
Hi Eeikz, the Champ/Citabria's are great airplanes thats about the same increase in TO roll as mine does with a pass. Great to hear the better half likes it, it will only get better with cooler weather and skis. Heres a link to a great ski plane forum