7ECA tie-down question


New member

I am looking at buying an older 7ECA with the wood spar wing. I have been contemplating leaving it tied down outside rather than hangaring it because of the outrageous price of hangars where I live. However, the kicker is that I am in Florida, and the airport is about 20 miles from the east coast (west of West Palm Beach). What are your opinions on leaving a Citabria outside as far as the fabric and wing spar go??? Will it be more headache than it is worth? Or can it be done with some preperation and precautions?

Mnay years ago I had a 7ECA, my first aircraft. It was tied down outside in Massuchesetts. It did quite well by using wing, tail, and fusalage covers. The covers definately protested it from the rain and sun. The biggest problem was putting the covers on in windy conditions. Since then I have had a hangar for my aircraft and there are draw backs to that also. In Massachusetts we can have some wide temperature swings, I immagine this might also apply to FL. The temperature swings can make the inside of a closed hanger into a sweat box. You would think you had your own private rain storm. The aircraft becomes soaked inside and out. Opening the doors is a solution or enven simply a three sided hangar would do better. The problem with this is it negates the real advantage of a hangar, security and a place to work and leave parts / tools unattended. I found being also to start a job and leave the aircraft open to be the biggest advantage to a hangar. I guess if I never planned on working on my aircraft, an outside tiedown with wing covers might be the best situation.

Don't even think about it ! I also live in Florida about the same distance from the East coast in Titusville. The corrosion is a huge problem and the wood will suffer if it's outside. I tried keeping a biplane in an open hanger for a while and I spent nearly every weekend cleaning off mold and corrosion. I got it in a closed hanger as soon as possible and all that went away. There's salt in just about any moisture coming in from that Eastern sea breeze we get and it settles on your plane. It will find it's way into everything even with covers. Just take a good look at any of the planes left out on the ramp for long periods and they will show the signs of corrosion and sun deterioration. The hanger was well worth the expense. Still just my opinion though, your results may vary.

'66 7GCAA