
New member

Where can I get a copy of the Pilot Operating Hand book for the 7GC model or the equvilant? I tried American Champion. They referred me to a manual service company, only they did not have any POH or any flight manuals on the GC. They have them on several of the other models but were clueless on the GC. I have one on the early Citibria but the engines cited in this manual are very different. One is I believe a 108 HP and the other is a 150 HP. As you know the 7GC has an O-290 135 HP.

Does anyone have one that I can get a copy of?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I am about 98% there never was one for the 7GC. Champion never was big on lots of books...and we still aren't. :oops:
Good Afternoon Jerry:

Thanks for the response. What I am looking for is some basic flight characteristics: i.e. best rate, best angle, best glide, take off distances w/wo 50 foot obstacle, weight and balance, that sort of thing. Any idea where a fellow could find that information?

Thanks again.


Well, you got an airplane from when you flew from the seat of your pants; so you wont find much.

Hopefully you have the weight and cg of the airplane empty. If not you should drain it and get that.
CG is between 10.2" and 17.7" at 1230 lbs or less
CG is between 14.2" and 17.7" at 1650 lbs - gross weight
-Straight line variation between those points.

Pilot is at 12"
Passenger is at 42"
Fuel is at 24.5" (39 gallons)
Oil is at -36" (8 qts)

By calculation, gross weight stall speed at sea level is 51.2 mph true airspeed. What the airspeed indicator says...who knows.

Might steal some of the info from a 65-67 7ECA or 7GCAA (if it doesn't involve power)

Sorry, I don't have more to offer. Its as old school as you can get...just like a 7AC. No books, just placards and go fly!