7GCBC perfomance specs wanted


New member
I am looking at a 72 Scout 7GCBC that is for sale and I am having a hard time finding the performance specs for it. Could someone point me in the right direction or tell me?
Like to know all the speeds, EW, GW, stall, engine (O-320 I think) and any AD's that effect these planes besides the spar AD.
Check out this site, http://www.amerchampionaircraft.com/newac/explor/expspecs.htm

A 72 7gcbc probably has a lower gross weight of 1650. Most plane are a little different and performance is based on how the plane is set up and what you plan to do with it.

A scout is a 8gcbc and has longer wings and a larger engine.

Believe it or not some of the 7GCBC's were also named SCOUT. I have seen a few of these 7GCBC Scouts over the years. That was reason for posting the question.....I am trying to see if there is any diference between these "Scouts" and a regular 7GCBC. The present owner might be interested in trading planes with me (my 172) and I am wanting to see if it is really worth my effort since I already have a 7AC Champ that is highly modified with many mods and an O-235 engine. I actually have a better useful load than I have seen on some 7GCBC's. I have looked at the specs you posted via the link.... thank you.

This is the plane I am looking at. I am supposed to look at it in a couple of weeks when the owner returns from a trip.

"Yea, I know, there was a handful made in 71-73 called scouts, but I think they all had smaller motors. Matter of Fact, a little over two years ago I think I called on the one in the ad. Without the 180hp, its not going to be the hauler scouts are known for, especially on floats. Hopefully Jerry can chime in and give a little more info.
Thanks again Terry, that is sort what I was expecting. I think it was a "name" only. You sure are right in the load capabilities. On floats they SUCK!!! I seem to have seen this plane for sale before also. Had you checked into it much? One of the reasons I am interested is the guy is willing to trade.
The only thing that worries me about it is the fact that it is low TT for as old as it is. I have read lots of times about how bad it is to not run the Lycoming engines.