First of all, you'll need to thoroughly check out all four wood spars IAW the AD. Tip strikes are murder on wood spars. It's entirely possible that you'll need 4 new spars, but let's hope not. If you do, you might think about the metal spars.
Secondly, a prop strike, then sitting for 15 years means an engine overhaul. Not only do you need to worry about the possible damage from the prop strike, but sitting unused for that long makes it the perfect rust collector. So, factor in an overhaul, and a new prop or prop overhaul.
Since you'll be recovering both wings you might want to consider uncovering, inspecting and recovering the fuselage at the same time.
Ground loops usually tweak the gear out of alignment at the very least. At most, they can rip the gear out completely. Check the lower fuselage longerons and gear attach points for damage, and the gear for alignment.
But, don't let me discourage you from buying the project. A KCAB is a great aircraft, and a 'freshly rebuilt' KCAB is even better. Doing the majority of the work yourself,(under proper supervision), will be a very rewarding and educational endeavor, and will save you considerable money. Think how much more confidence you will have in a airplane when you've seen it completely naked and know every nut and bolt in it!
My advice, GO FOR IT!!!!!