7KCAB tailwheel shimmy


New member
I've had a persistent problem with tailwheel shimmy on my 7KCAB. I replaced the old Scott unit with an Alaska Bushwheel assembly a couple of years ago. Since then, we adjusted the geometry of the tailwheel spring, increased and decreased the compression of the hub, went from 4 internal springs (as shipped with the A.B. unit) to 6, changed the quantity of grease. I suspect the tailwheel might be stuck off-center after rudder deflection in flight. This is difficult to verify, though... Any ideas out there?
Mine is prone to shimmy also---mostly when I have a passenger-----My fix was to reduce the elevator back pressure until the shimmy stops. As for the tail wheel being off center on landing---me too. After an aerobatic work-out I usually go straight and level for a little while and check the turn & bank. If it isn't centered I slow down and push about half rudder in each direction. That usually fixes it!!