8GCBC Narrow deck engine?


New member
Hi, a year ago I purchased a 8GCBC project without the engine and prop. The original engine was a C2E with a serial number ending in an "A" suffix, which indicated that it was a "wide" deck engine. I have access to a damaged O360-A1D which is a "narrow" deck engine needing a crank case and possibly a crankshaft, both of which I would have to change to convert from the A1D to the C2E anyway, or at least the case to change to a C1A. My question is, do any of you flying a 8GCBC have an aircraft equiped with the "narrow" deck version of the C1A, C1E, C1G, C2A, or C2E? Thanks, Tim
All 8GCBC had and still have narrow decks. Basically, the wide decks are 200 HP while the 8GCBC uses a 180HP.

A wide deck 360 would require a different cowl.

*Big red X*
*Loud buzzer sound*

See below
I wouldn't want to disagree but here is what I understood.

O360 Narrow Deck (Engine s\n ends with no letter)
A1A, A1C, A1D, A2A, A2E, A3A, C1A, C1C, C2A, C2C, C2D
B2A, D2A, D2B

O360 Wide Deck (Engine s\n ends with the letter "A")
A1A, A1AD, A1D, A1F, A1F6, A1F6D, A1G, A1G6, A1G6D, A1H, A1H6, A1J, A1LD, A1P, A2A, A2D, A2F, A2G, A3A, A3AD, A4A, A4AD, A4D, A4G, A4J, A4JD, A4K, A4M, A4N, A4P, A5AD, C1A, C1C, C1E, C1F, C1G, C2A, C2C, C2E, C4F, C4P, F1A6, G1A6
Yeah, I got it totally mixed up with Angle valve vs. Parallel valve.
Thats what i get for answering in haste.....

MOST of our stuff is indeed wide deck. The differences are slight and should be interchangable from a physical standpoint. (not paperwork standpoint).
jerrymjr and mr scout, thanks, That is actually how I understood it also. I believe that it may be only a minor change in the eyes of the FAA to change the case from a dynafocal (A) to a conical (C) mounting arrangement. I have talked to a Lycoming tech rep who indicated that even though they do not have a service bulletin specifing and approving this type of change people do it all the time. They do have a service letter authorizing adding a "M" to the data plate to incidate that the engine has been modified from its orginal configuration. As for your comment on paper work Jerry, do the engine installation drawings specify a certain suffix number and the "A" wide deck engine or only one of the approved 0360 series engines? Any other comments on converting this engine?
Thanks, Tim
The TCDS for a 8GCBC is AZ1CE it shows the following engines only
0360-C2A,C2E,C1A,C1G Your friend at Lycoming could be a bit confused. Unless you plan on trying the experimental route, I would stick with one of above engines. Save yourself a lot of grief for a bit more money.
mr scout and others, By definiton according to engine type certificate E286, when the crankcase and magnetoes are changed on the -A1D, it beomes a -C1A which is indicated by stamping a "M" on the engine data plate. This may or may not be a major alteration as defined in FAR43 Appendix A (2)(i), depending on the interpetation of the phrase "the substitution of major engine parts which require extensive rework and testing of the engine." This determination will have to involve my FAA principle maintenance inspector. It would then be an approve C1A engine which is allowed for installation on A21CE for the 8GCBC, though it would still have a data plate stamped -A1D but with the M added. The question comes down to whether the engine installation drawings for the 8GCBC requires a certain specificaton engine, as in serial number *****-36A which was the orginal, or if any -C1A is allowed. One consideration is that the installation of an engine with a data plate stamped with a model not on the aircraft approved engine list would probably have an adverse effect on the aircraft value, though legal and properly documented in the engine log book. The information I received from Lycoming came from calling their tech line. Sorry for the long post. Thanks,

A bit of clarification, it appeared to me by your above post you were wanting to change the mount configuration. If you look up the TCDS I gave you, you will see it says exactly what I gave you for engines. How you get to that engine configuration and what it does or doesnt do for value is a complete different matter.
Hi mr scout, I intend to change the mount configuration of the engine not the aircraft . On the O360 engines the mounting points, where the aircraft engine mount connects to the engine, are an intergral part of the engine crankcase, the dynafocal mounts being the -A engines and the conical mounts (as used on 8GCBC) being -C engines. I believe to change the aircraft engine mount would require a STC in the current FAA climate and as such would be very costly. I think, but have not talked to the FAA, that to modify the engine by changing the case may be a minor alteration, but if not could still be done as a field approval using DER data at a reasonable cost. I would just purchase a C2E if these engines where around, but the engines listed on the 8GCBC type certificate are only used on this aircraft and as such are rare in the used market. So I would probably need to buy a new or factory reman engine and also pay the core charge ($9000 I a think) for a total of $28-29000. I think we are both on the same page, if not I hope this makes it clear. Thanks for your input,,
