8KCAB Main Gear Inspection


New member
Trying to find info on a required 500 hr inspection of the main landing gear attachment on the Super Decathlon. Can anyone point me to information on this matter?

Thanks in advance.
The American Champion "Service Manual for Super Decathlon 8KCAB 1991 and newer" lists this in Table III Inspection Report as "Replace landing gear thru bolts; Replace landing gear attach U-bolt" at 500 and 1000 hours. Not sure if this is FAA mandatory (see recent article in EAA Sport Aviation regarding "mandatory or not"). I purchased my plane with 1170 hrs TT, and it had not been done. Since it was at least recommended, I felt more confident replacing the hardware. FYI - Bolt and nut cost were about $200.

Super D
Thanks, sams. Had heard that it was required, but never learned the basis. Now I know. Coming up on 1,000 hrs and plan to replace the bolts.

You can purchase a tool from ACA where you can lift the aircraft from the lift strut lower fitting. It will make the task much easier. I recently changed the inner through bolts on my 8KCAB. I already had the front cowling off for an oil change. Probably took me an extra hour's work to change both with the most time consuming part be the installation of the lower belly pan. Jack fitting approx $35 and the remaining hardware was $130 from ACA.

At a 1000hrs you are also looking at the lift strut attachment fitting inspection. Unfortunately this is not as easy. Find an A&P who has performed the work before or at least talk to someone who has performed the inspection. There are a couple of tricks that can save some time as it can be tedious work all performed through inspection holes.
