8KCAB Right Rear Strut


New member
We've been advised to replace the right rear wing strut on our 2005 8KCAB, which we mostly fly aerobatically.

Any source of used struts? Had to ask.

What should we budget for strut replacement, parts and labor? Parts in dollars, labor in hours, if you can provide any data.
Curious to why it was recommended to replace the strut?

What does the damage look like? The only rear strut damage that I have seen was on a Citabria used for tail wheel training. I always thought the struts were bowed from hard landings more than anything else.

I quessing the cost of a strut will be the most painful part. Labor should not be that complicated, however it does effect how the airplane is rigged. It may take a test flight or two with some length adjustments to get the airplane in rig again.

This probably happens so infrequently, that cost data based on experience is not available. My guess would be 5 hours labor total with adjustments after a test flight. However if the shop is not real experienced on 8KCABs, it could easily double.
