
New member
Hey all,
I am new here, just purchased my first plane, a '76 8kcab.
It has some pretty seats that are a little more condusive to cross country than aerobatics. I was wondering if anyone knew of a set of seats that acomodate chutes, particualarly the sit on type.
any info would be appreciated.
I have looked this forum over well and have already learned a ton.
take care and i hope to be here more regularly.

Herm. :D
Thanks woody,
Now I will show some ignorance, is the seat for the 7 series approved for the 8 series?
7's and 8's use the same seat.
I think he means the cushion is removable with just a few snaps. Its a nice viable option that is FREE. hehe

Only concern with sitting on the bare straps is that it might 'catch' a part of the chute. Obviously, odds are slim, but you know Murphey's Law.....

This was more of a concern for the back chutes. Such that, we had Airtex make a back cushion that velcro's to a sleeve that fits over the straps/back part.
my seats look like they could be stock frames that someone has recovered to look like lazy boy recliners. lots of foam, vinyl and embroidery etc. The one in the rear goes wall to wall. they both fold forward. is it likely that i could pull all the covering off and get back to stock? can i buy the slip covers that go on the 7 series with the snap in cushions? or would it be easier to buy new seats?
You guys are a lot of help. Really.

There is little doubt that you have the stock seat frames under the upholstery, the standard lower cushions have four snaps, the back ones two. If your's aren't snapped in place someone had a local shop do the upholstery. Call Dood at Airtex, 215-295-4115, they make the interiors for ACA and can provide new cushions, you have the optional wide rear seat. For aerobatics I unsnap and remove my lower cushion, to avoid the snagging that Jerrymjr mentioned as a possibility I have a single layer (no cushioning) of seat vinyl that snps to the bare frame exactly like the cushion that Airtex supplied at my request so I can use my seat pack rather then the back pack that must be used with the ACA/Airtex standard velcroed seat back. By using a seatpack chute there is no loss of leg room such as experienced using a backpack chute. I prefer a seatpack because it is compatible with all the planes I fly, warbirds, open biplanes.
