8KCAB wheel landing tips


New member
Really enjoy reading the posts as a new owner. Without debating the merits of 3 point vs wheel landings, what specific technique factors optimize wheel landing the Super Decathlon. ? speeds. ? maintain power down final; ? add power in the flare to help arrest descent; ? power off like a typical 3 point landing.
Thanks in advance for thoughts.
mrich said:
Really enjoy reading the posts as a new owner. Without debating the merits of 3 point vs wheel landings, what specific technique factors optimize wheel landing the Super Decathlon. ? speeds. ? maintain power down final; ? add power in the flare to help arrest descent; ? power off like a typical 3 point landing.
Thanks in advance for thoughts.


We must first establish that any landing in which the tailwheel does not contact the ground at the same time as the mains is a wheel landing. In a classic wheel landing the plane touches down in a level attitude and the speed must be such that you can maintain that attitude with minimal sink, this will require significantly greater speed and subsequently landing distance. Touching down with the tailwheel just above the runway can be done with less speed by using power to reduce the sink rate. The speed used, or the combination of speed and power, will be determined by the attitude you plan to touchdown in.

My personal choice after 4000+ hours in conventional gear aircraft of all types and sizes, including twins, is to touch down in a three point attitude and bring the plane to a stop with minimum fuss, that means touching down at the minimum speed and in the attitude required to taxi back to the barn.

