8KCAB wing inspections


New member
Because of the many AD's on the 8KCAB I was seriously considering a purchase of an acroduster II. The acro is a great aircraft but not anywhere near as comfortable or versitle as the 8KCAB. My 8KCAB is a 73 has few hours on it and very low time on the engine. It is a great aircraft for my needs but, "The wing AD's"!!! The inspection holes / rings have been installed, the inspections have been done, and the spars seem to be excellent. Unfortunately this aircraft does have the 25 hour recurring inspection, one I have a feeling some ignore, of the rib flanges. The fix for eliminating this AD is installation of kit No. 243. It would have to be installed during a recover and I do not think ACA has it available. New wings are expensive especially when the present are in good shape, there is no apparent reason to suspect a problem, and I am not sure the jury is in on the metal wings. Bottom line, I need to find a way to make the inspections as easy / routine. and complete as possible. Any suggestions? I am thinking of purchasing a borescope to perform these inspecions. Has anyone used this procedure, and if so what type / manufacture / model would be advised?

WOW!! A lot of viewers but no opinions. Am I missing something? I thought this question would develope a lot of feedback. I find the mirror and light method to be cumbersome and I do not believe it to be extremely accurate. I have never used a flixible shaft borescope but thought it would do a better job and be quicker at the same time. Any thoughts negative or positive would be appreciated. My IA and I assume most of our IA's do not see a lot of the ACA /Bellanca aircraft and therefore appreciate any knowledge the aircraft owner can bring to the table. I know mine does. Typically prior to an annual by the IA I have already performed the required inspections have had experience with the processes. Am I better of with the light a mirror method?

kpin said:
I am not sure the jury is in on the metal wings.
After 19 years of wings, there is a jury?

Anyway, back on topic. I cannot say there is a specific brand, but a modern borescope is an awesome tool. Make sure it does what you need to do (sizes and able to get reall close and still see the surface, etc).
"If there is "no apparent reason to suspect a problem", then whats the problem? With the appropriate inspection rings and plates installed, the inspections are about as easy as they are gonna get. After a few times, you will get used to a flex light and mirror. I am an A&P and i annual a champ with wood spars. If you take your time a light and mirror will allow for a very thorough inspection. A boroscope as you suggested would be good as well, but i have not used one for this purpose. I have heard good things about this particular brand, but i do not own one. http://www.ridgid.com/seesnakemicro/#. I have been meaning to go and buy one. I have a 75 GCAA with the champion metal wings and they are just fine. Only thing is the front spar attach fitting each 1000 hrs. i can live with that. If you can swing it, turn in your old wings. You will also get the upgross with them, to 1950 i think. I have never annualed an 8KCAB so this is just my 2 cents.

I have a Seesnake. I haven't used it for wing inspections (my old ECA has 'new' ACA metal wings...no jury at my house :) , but it would work great, based on my experience with it. It was handy tracing an electrical short under the floorboards thru the stick hole. I've had it for a year or so, and it's VERY handy around the house, also.

For me the jury is in on the new wings, I love them, very glad I bought them, 8 years ago.
Bill Becker
The SNAP ON video borescope is the best tool for this type of inspection in my opinion. A little pricy at about $400.00 but the image quality is bright ,clear and precise. THe tool is excellent also for engine cylinder inspection , muffler internal inspection , and poking behind just about anything that is awkward to see. Worth the money.