a fool for askin' it , a fool for payin' it.


New member
Dear Bellancophyles: Billy Bob has a Frankenstein 165 w/ acessories & a "high-altitude" aeromatic hub (blades shot). Hours unknown, logs lost........ what do you think it is worth.? "Why hell....I don't think she has many hours on her, Vern took it off his Cruisair about the time Nixon went down & that $#@* IA condemned his wings just fer a little rot." ( I won't tell you what he wants for it to reduce guffhaws)

My present 150hp needs crank reground, liners, pistons....so I was hoping to find an engine I could overhaul with less work$$$$.

Is there any advantage of having a 165 over the 150?. As I read it the Aeromatic is limited to 2600, so you couldn't go to the 2800rpm red line of the 165 anyway.....or am I mistakenated?
thanks: Ken

I'll let the folks who fly behind those engines answer the relative merit questions of the 150/165. The larger question has one HUGE chunk of information missing: will the 165, you've made clear won't come at a low or even fair price, actually involve less work? What sort of testing have you been able to do on it?

My fear, of course, is that seldom - if ever - have I seen these sorts of deals work out to the advantage of the buyer. Now is about time to mention a pig in a poke, but the image of a sack with a wriggling pig inside makes me laugh too hard.
Your own tone, Ken, reveals an almost certain knowledge of what you'd be getting yourself into. Heck, I remember a fellow who hadn't flown his 230 in at least ten years. In his mind, though, nary a day had passed since it was blowing off Banana doors. During all ten idle years he kept it in a covered tie-down at Lee Airport in Annapolis (you know....near the Chesapeake Bay), though he said it was hangared. Whenever we'd get word that some poor soul was on the way to buy it with the intention of flying it home, a bunch of us would stand watch to make sure nobody tried to take-off in that thing.

Pardon my digression, Ken :oops:

Two questions:

1. Did you decide the buy the derelict Cruiseair, Ken?

2. How come nobody chimed in with 150/165 comparisons?

All joking aside: I am going to get permission to remove engine top cover, remove a rod cap & examine the crankshaft for wear, use "plastiguage" to measure the actual bearing clearance. The engine has been stored in the desert so rust is not a big factor here. If I buy the engine I will remove the cylinders and do a top overhaul.

The deal comes with two Cruisair fuselages.& a pair of ruined wings all yet to be inventoried. All paperwork lost.
My present 150hp needs a crank regrind/ nitride/...adding up to over $5000 in parts just to get the engine rebuilt, so i had the fantasy of finding an engine I could run for 500hrs or so for less............

I admit that aviation has moved to a social class above and beyond guys like me.....but we keep banging away. Any comments on the 150 hp vs 165 hp appreciated. Ken
Some people buy Boats Some new cars or Motorcyles. I keeped a 38 ft trojan ( boat ) at a lake near Dallas. Every year the boat cost more to keep than my planes. I finnely sold the boat. I am lucky that I have a wife that likes planes. We now live in a 55x60 Hangar with a 2000 sq ft house inside and at least once a week she makes a comment on how nice it all is. :lol: :lol: