A Monster Magnet Mother of All Manner of Malevolence

Jonathan Baron

New member
I was trying out of those Wx Worx sat boxes yesterday. I have no idea why I buy this stuff, or why I use those Control Vision contrivances but I do (rather, I will soon have used to buy them).

It didn't work, of course but I discovered that the wee remote antenna wanted to leap onto anything metal with a mad and desperate yearning. It was a tiny thing driven to obsession. My compass never had a chance, poor thing.

Naturally I informed our compass challenged 'Master owner member of this possible source for his woes.

I did read that Garmin made a similar judgment error with the remote antenna on their 396. I wouldn't have known this first hand. Nooooooo I decided to use those cobbled together alleged systems that try to provide first rate aviation GPS by employing hardware never intended for that purpose. :evil:

My mantra now is One Box...One F***ing Box....

Ah, Larry!

What I can say is, "Sure, Russell, I'll buy yer 396 Garmin now that you've grabbed the 496....hmmm...the 396 has the music channels too? Cool!"

Seriously, Control Vision was the first to drive many of the features Garmin was then forced to include in their "handheld" GPS-in-a-tub units today. My loyalty to CV was based on that, and the fact that I usually go for the little guy over the company that gobbled up the competition in panel mounts, while skillfully snatching 2.5 grand from the ample crowd who wants to be the first on the field with their latest gizmo.

Plus Russell goes easy on these things. He never MOUNTS the plastic tub on the yoke, stick, or any place harsh sun meets black plastic. He just drops them into his lap or the next seat, and picks it up from time to time to make sure that, yep, he's going where he means to. I've never seen him change course after hefting the tub-o-Garmin into his field of view either. Some guys just know where there going I guess. :)
