A 'new' Aeromatic?

I sent them an email this morning. Following is their reply.

Hi Larry, Thank you for the email. I am happy that you have considered our company and our propeller system. I am however going to be the bearer of bad news. Currently Aerovate is specializing in the design and manufacturing of systems for UAV's. We will tackle the civilian aircraft market in the future but at this time we do not have an immediate solution for you.

I would however recommend you speak to the Steve at Sensenich Propeller systems in Florida to see if they have a suitable propeller to suit your immediate needs. Try him at (813) 752-3711.

Warmest regards,

Oh well, would have been nice!
It would be nice if the Tarvers would get off center with their business. They've lost their PMA to manufacture new blades after a dispute over their manuals. I don't know if they ever held a CRS, but they don't have one now. The Aeromatic was a fine product and could be a fine product again, but to get to that point, one must develop a tolerable relationship with the FAA - no easy (or cheap) task.

Does anyone have a count or estimate of how many Aeromatic props are currently in service and how many of those owners would pay for an overhaul and / or new blades?
I doubt anyone will see these propellers available for use on certified aircraft. For one, there is more $$$
for UAV projects...thanks to the instability worldwide. There may be a market in the experimental/light sport...with few liability issues.
Maybe this company should make Kent an offer, and get into the certified market with the actual original air controlled automatic prop. Of course it would probably double the price again of an Aeromatic. As a side note, I just ran across a picture (maybe an artists rendition) of an 8 bladed Aeromatic contra rotating prop. It is in an old club operators @ service manual for Cruisairs. Another interesting bit of info for a disappearing prop. ______Grant.