Ac fuel pump and afuel filter


New member
Where can i find the overhual kits for the dc fuel pump and fuel filter for a 47 ceuiseair?
Thanx M.
I don’t think there is a kit available for this pump any more. If you tread carefully and can accept what they can offer some of the parts are available.

I purchased the parts to fix my pump from Then and Now Automotive. I ended up sending photos of my disassembled pump to them to help them identify the pump. I did not tell them it was an airplane and they didn’t ask. The diaphragm fit and worked perfectly, the springs ran a short time and failed. I put the original springs back in and they ran fine.

Try searching for other posts on the fuel pump. This has been worked through several times.
Do not mention "airplane" when dealing with Then and Now. Tom Hannaford (T and N) helped me a lot and he knew I was doing a rebuild on an airplane pump in 1995'ish and again in 2007. Talked to him two or three times on the phone and got a two page letter from him relating lots of pump information. 8 months ago - no joy, no more supporting parts for airplanes. Most likely he heard an airplane litigation tale from an attorney type or wanna-be at a cocktail party or his parts community scuttlebutt, doubt seriously that he was threatened with a law suit. There's lots of bad press out there about piper cubs creating havoc in the sky by running into jumbo jets and the like.

Get in touch with Hal at >>>
He will supply you a pump kit but does not have replacement new complete diaphragms on new stems. You can send him your useable pump stem/diaphragm that he will remove and re-peen on a new diaphragm w/ support plates to your stem. I worked with him about a year ago and together we came up with a decent kit of parts.